Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Chromium pyruvate?

Cyanocobalamin - 27-1-2012 at 07:59

I am new to this thread~

So I was planning a synthesis to achieve pyruvic acid...
I have tiny amounts of Lactic acid, but not enough for experiementation and more than 2 attempts, so i started with Malic acid instead

I oxidized malic acid with acidified potassium permanganate, which upon addition the purple color changes from purple to brown, then it fades to a colorless solution. I added sufficient amount of permanganate to oxidize malic acid to oxaloacetic acid. Some CO2 comes out of solution. But when I took some of the resulting solution and add it to CaCl2 solution, there's no precipitate! Aren't calcium pyruvate insoluble? if not, how should I separate it from the solution?

So for easy separation, I used Chromic acid to oxidize Malic acid as a second experiment, the color of solution changes from orange to brown, then purple over a couple of minutes...but when I add a portion of this to CaCl2 solution again, no precipitates

how should I test the presence of pyruvate? and I should I prepare it? I don't have distilling apparatus yet so I can't afford the tartaric acid route...

phlogiston - 27-1-2012 at 08:47

Are you sure about the solubility?

googling for you:

says 'partially soluble in cold water'.

Perhaps you need to concentrate it a bit?

BTW it is apparantly available as a supplement, but perhaps you are just doing it for the fun.

Cyanocobalamin - 27-1-2012 at 08:50

so if it's not quite soluble how should I separate it from the solution?

thanks anyway for the information :)