Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Test tubes with Fluorides

ScienceHideout - 29-11-2011 at 17:08

The other day I had to get some blood drawn for an allergy test. The person made a big mistake. They left me in the room alone for a minute. During that minute... a couple of those little vacuum centrifuge tubes made their way into my pocket (being the klepto that I am). When I got home, I realized that the ones I took had sodium and potassium fluoride in them! Only a couple mg of course, and with oxalic acid... but fluorides! I think it was the pink one and the purple one... But that just tells you you can get lab reagents anywhere! I am sure a hospital would never miss a couple tubes... :)

Neil - 29-11-2011 at 18:02

Yeah, that poor dumb ass, should have known you were completely untrustworthy.

The fluorides are anti-coagulants.

Chemistry Alchemist - 29-11-2011 at 21:36

But i thought Soluble fluorides react with glass... only insoluble Fluoride dont react

woelen - 30-11-2011 at 00:55

@ScienceHideout: If you are a serious home scientist, then you do not behave like a klepto. All the risk for a measly few tubes and a measly few mg of fluorides :-(( sad sad...

But even more disturbing is the apparent proud about how you managed to arrange this measly 'gain'. If this is the way you obtain your reagents and equipment, then it becomes time to find another hobby (or another attitude).

simba - 30-11-2011 at 06:30

Do you have any use for it anyway?

blogfast25 - 30-11-2011 at 09:14

Being proud of being a kleptomaniac means you need help. Stealing from a hospital is also about the lowest form of theft I can think of right now.

And stealing tubes w/o knowing what's in them makes you eligible for a Darwin Award...

MrTechGuy1995 - 30-11-2011 at 09:26

I can't see any logic in stealing chemicals, or anything for that matter. You don't get any rewards, you only harm yourself. To be honest, the thought of someone stealing, and not feeling bad about doing it, makes me cringe just out of complete awe.
If you were a true chemist let alone a scientist, you would know better not to do such things.

Sedit - 30-11-2011 at 16:50

I can steal with no remorse, does that make me a horrible person? Maybe, but then again I question if I have sociopathic tendency at times anyway since I feel little if any emotions. I generally take the robin hood approach to it and only perform the skill that I am so very good at when the time calls for it....

A few vials of Sodium fluoride that where meant to help sick people...

That's not the time for it. I use my ability to steal with a 100% success rate and no remorse since I was like 12 for taking things like Sodium fluoride, stolen from a hospital back to its owner, or something of that nature.

We should hang out sometime.

Chemistry Alchemist - 1-12-2011 at 04:45

So tell me, what if they noticed straight away test tubes were actually missing after you left... the only people that came in to the room was the doctor and u... now the doctor would take the tubes if they are the ones trying to look for them, so the conclude you to take them... so what would happen if when u go in next time, they make u pay up for what u stole? i have to admit, i have taken some things from the high school i used to go too, it was risky what i done and it was mid year, so on my back i had a burden that the teachers would catch on to some things are missing, one after another i took something else and relised that this could go too far and out of hand... stealing is wrong, and those who steal are bad people. I didn't want to turn into one of them so i haven't done it since, 1 and a half years later, i haven't done anything that bad and i rely an what i have with out going out to steal something because i cant afford it. So should you!

barley81 - 1-12-2011 at 05:04

Those 'vacutainers' are useful. They could be used when dealing with samples of air-sensitive compounds. When I was at the hospital, I asked the nurse to draw a bit of blood into a vial for me (with EDTA anticoagulant) so I could use it for a biology experiment. She didn't mind! I think if I asked for a few vacutainers with nothing in them, she would have given them to me for free. It's always good to ask if you want something. Don't steal.
They also can be bought online at medical supplies, but doing that is certainly not a source for sodium fluoride. From Elemental Scientific, I bought an ounce for $1.65, whereas the same cost used to buy vacutainers would only yield a few milligrams.

▒Nick▒ - 11-12-2011 at 12:36

Who would care if you stole test tubes from hospitals? They have an endless amount of them. My dad works at a hospital and sometimes brings me home some. They really don't care too much about loss of any test tubes. They also come prepackaged with certain chemicals in them. A lot have anti-coagulants in them.