Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Does Paraformaldehyde Dissolve in Ether?

PrimoPyro - 15-9-2002 at 07:42

Can anyone tell me for certain if formaldehyde's cyclic trimer "paraformaldehyde" dissolves into common diethyl ether, or perhaps any other ethers?

If it does, does anyone know to what extent the solubility extends to? This is a bump in the road for a synthetic idea.

Also, do you think paraformaldehyde would depolymerize if solvated in ether(s) (assuming it can be solvated) if the environment is strictly anhydrous, solvent and atmosphere? Think grignard conditions, ANHYDROUS anhydrous. Drid over sodium, using argon atmosphere, etc.

Please tell me it solvates for certain, and that depolymerization should not be a worry if kept cold........pleeeeeease? lol.


madscientist - 15-9-2002 at 08:59

(CH2O)3 is soluble in ether.


PrimoPyro - 17-9-2002 at 04:58

Thank you.

I guess the only way to test it's stability to is to run a test reaction.



crystal - 4-10-2002 at 20:41

Can be paraformaldehyde crystal out from
formaldehyde solution when evaporated
for 5 days ?

KABOOOM(pyrojustforfun) - 11-2-2003 at 19:54

formaldehyde's cyclic trimer is called symtrioxane. parformaldehyde is HO(-CH2O-)nH (n equals 8 to 100)