Sciencemadness Discussion Board

'Whimsy' is now password-protected

Polverone - 13-9-2002 at 21:49

Since it is a section of random odds and ends that have little to do with the main mission of, the 'Whimsy' section of our forum is now open only to members and is password-protected. To receive the password, please send a U2U message to madscientist or myself.

Not Anymore

PrimoPyro - 17-9-2002 at 05:00

It isn't anymore, at least for me.


Polverone - 17-9-2002 at 06:23

Actually, the password protection is still on. But the message board software seems to automatically recognize if you've visited that section and given the correct password before. It doesn't even distinguish whether you are currently logged in or not. This would be disturbing if I needed high security, but I think it will be okay since I'm just trying to block non-members from that section.

DeusExMachina - 4-1-2003 at 19:34

so why wouldn't the name or at least the discription for it be changed?

raistlin - 5-1-2003 at 16:13

Because there is no need. It is still for the same thing, but Polverone and Madscientist just think that it should be for members only due to the fact that most of what is in there has nothing to do with chemistry or 'mad science'.