ryan0713 - 28-9-2011 at 13:42
I there a way to obtain white phosphorous from red phosphorous? There is a video on how but this method can only produce a few milligrams. Here is the
link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaUIFZCCHiE
Would this method be reproducible on larger scale, say, a few grams? My guess would be to make a retort and dip the neck into cold water. The red P
would vaporize and condense as P4 on the neck right? This apparatus would be be put under inert atmosphere, of course, due to the pyrophoric nature of
Would I succeed in using this method, or just blow myself up?
P.S.: I'm not going to use it make meth or something!
[Edited on 9-29-2011 by ryan0713]
Ozone - 28-9-2011 at 14:27
Using the search engine (labeled "search" below the firey symbol) and entering "making phosphorus" gives:
There is a very large thread about distilling it on here, somewhere.
Try it (the search engine), sometime!
woelen - 28-9-2011 at 23:31
I have a webpage and detailed write-up on this subject on my website. Just go to the chemistry experiments section and click on the element P in the
periodic table chart.
plastics - 28-9-2011 at 23:36
I have used woelen's technique quite successfully. Please heed all the warnings - otherwise you can end up with quite a nasty fireball. White/yellow
phosphorus, although an extremely interesting element, is treacherous, toxic and unforgiving!
Chemistry Alchemist - 29-9-2011 at 00:07
I made a video on making white phosphorus from red phosphorus, it was only a small scale reaction but i ficured a way to collect the WP and melt it
off the the cellulose to make a mini ball of WP
ScienceSquirrel - 29-9-2011 at 03:58
Given the relative toxicity and flammability of red and white phosphorous I think it is better to make white phosphorous in small amounts as required
in a home lab.
Endimion17 - 29-9-2011 at 10:57
Never use a large retort. Never ever. The bigger the retort, the more water will it suck on cooling. If it shatters, you could end up covered in
Make a dozen 1-2 ml retorts and distill small batches, then melt them all together. The safest way.
ryan0713 - 1-10-2011 at 10:41
I was planning on making a steel retort. My plan for counteracting suck-back is to have helium running through the appuratus so there would be no
differential in pressure while the gas expands. I know P4 can be set of by the heat of a human hand, so I make sure to take every precaution.
P.S Will the steel react with the p4?(nube here)