Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Flinn Certification

ScienceHideout - 19-9-2011 at 16:53

I signed up to this site-

My HS teacher buys our school's chems from FLINN. Every year she gives a test made by Flinn to quiz us on lab safety. I thought it would be smart to sign up on this website, and maybe I could get some tips on acing the test...

As it turns out, you can sign up and take the School Lab Safety Course, 6-hours of video discussing interesting safety topics. I took the middle school certification course (top left corner of nav bar).

It turns out that it not only helped me ace the test, but gave A TON of ideas on improving and organizing my lab. For example- Mr. Flinn taught me how to react in every type of emergency, gave cheap alternatives for fire blankets, and stated many laws and court cases relating to chemistry.

I have no doubt benefited from this and it is worth every hour you spend. Since I completed it, I have a full database of MSDS sheets, I rearanged chemicals be compatibility, got a cheap safety shower, and worked on ventilation. I LOVE IT. It was not boring, and Mr. Flinn filled every lesson with real-life scenarios and the outcomes.

I encourage you to take this. Afterwards you can print out an awesome certificate you can tape to your fume hood or whatever it may be. It also gives a great sense of achievement!