Sciencemadness Discussion Board

UK supply

kryss - 15-7-2011 at 02:16

Can't believe, did a quick search on google and have found a company a mile away that supplies chems to hobbyists! Never expected as I'm in Northern Ireland and this kind of thing has always been problemetic!

cyanureeves - 15-7-2011 at 09:19

cool. now order something to an address of a cousin of yours who lives 30 miles away or so and drive out there to pick it up. make the shipping charges worth it, unless you're gonna knock on their door. anyway i'm glad for you.

peach - 16-7-2011 at 05:09

Sounds like a company I know of called something like Mist Rally.

I've bought things from them before and they're were great. I seem to remember it took a while for the things to turn up, but not that long.

I ordered some solvents and acids from another UK supplier on May the 25th, almost two months ago now. No email, no phone call, no delivery.

There will be a phone call soon, it'll be an annoyed John calling them.

devongrrl - 17-7-2011 at 02:26

I have used the first company and found them great.

If the 2nd company has a "stain" on their reputation
then they are very slow but usually they do get there eventually.

peach - 17-7-2011 at 04:58

I've been setting around waiting for this Long Play company for so long.

All I've ordered are some solvents and acids. I need the nitric acid to clean my sinter funnels out, which are too filthy to use at the moment.

It's getting very irritating. A guy in China could have posted it to me in the same time it's taking them, and they live about ten minutes down the motorway from my house.

francis - 17-7-2011 at 06:00

I put in an order from the same place peach, it's been 2-3 weeks....some standardised solutions, some indicators, some acids. Unfortunately I also didn't get a response when I put in my email, and haven't received any response to my follow up emails.

They haven't charged me. I figure they'd just decided Australia was too far to ship to.

peach - 17-7-2011 at 06:39

I've seen other people complaining about the gigantic delays as well. I've been meaning to call them for a while, but will get on with it next week. Two months is more than a fair and reasonable wait.

I read that they were being taken over by another, much larger, chemical supplier in the UK I've also used. It may be that, with dwindling earnings or lack of time, or lost interest, they have just stopped working; a note to that effect on the site would be good, so I'm not sat here waiting to clean a funnel for a few months. The other supplier tends to ask for more information from it's customers, so it's possible (if they have taken over the other) they've just ignored all the accounts. But that would make it a fairly pointless process given that Long Play does not have the same kind of inventory as other suppliers.

I am being cautious with the names as I know some 'pyros' are already onto this particular company.

The particular group I've found discussing it were simultaneously getting upset about Indians and Chinese people being allowed to let off fireworks after 12am for their holidays (to 1am), whereas Guy Fawkes night ends at 12. Their proposed solution to this was to set off DIY fireworks (explosives), that they don't have licenses to make or handle, outside their MP's house at 1am in protest.

On a similar note, I noticed aluminium powder has now been banned from the UK eBay. The reason will undoubtedly be thermites and flash powders. Aluminium powder! Nice one pyros. You can imagine how much I, and the others, appreciate your dedication to experimental 'chemistry'. Get a CAT certificate! :mad: Unlike the rest of chemistry, you do need one and a license to handle explosives, by law. You're worse than the SWIMs, at least they don't openly acknowledge they're engaged in criminal activity. I don't know why it's tolerated when the ambiguous former is not.

[Edited on 17-7-2011 by peach]

devongrrl - 17-7-2011 at 08:19

Hmm I agree that 2 months is excessive although I have never waited longer than a fortnight at most for Long Play although I do live in the UK.

I wonder if your communications got lost or something ?

kryss - 18-7-2011 at 09:56

Peach - funny when you mentioned ebay had banned Aluminium powder, last night I was looking through the categories for metal work supplies and Aluminium is no longer one of the listed categories, you have to search for it.

Over here they don't waste time making thermite, apparently petrol bombs were being carted about in wheelie bins!