Chemistry and computing certainly have strong and interesting interconnections (my entire job/career is based on this) Quickly surveying this connection-- a vast array of computational methods in
chemistry and biochemistry have been developed for creating 'realistic' models of molecules, to be able to predict reactivity or properties.
Experimental chemistry results provide feedback to develop these models, and in turn, once the models are refined sufficiently, they're able to make
high-accuracy predictions of new molecules or reactions (as long as the inherent chemistry of the 'new' system is still appropriate for the set of
approximations being used in the model). Also, when interesting phenomena in chemistry or biochemisty are observed, it is often hard to unravel a
molecular-level explanation in the lab, but through these precisely-controlled computational models, we can get a picture of what may be happening and
improve our knowledge of the basic sciences.
Computational chemistry ends up being a very powerful tool for its predictive or explanatory power, and also can save a lot of money in academic or
industrial research settings, by just burning some CPU hours, to reduce the number of molecules or reactions an experimentalist may need or want to
test in the lab (reducing both raw material costs, and of course human *time*)
Opportunities for careers in this area are intriguingly diverse, from predicting new catalysts, new material properties, understanding basic organic
chemistry reactivity, improving photovoltaics, understanding enzyme mechanisms, ...( I'll refrain from continuing an overzealous list-- it's truly an
endless list of fascinating applications, to fill far too many lifetimes )