...The next one? Well, let's just say the stoichiometry was perfect. Deafening explosion, 2 students and Meek in the hospital
flying-fucking-glass-shard induced injuries, a SHITLOAD of collateral damage, and a fine dusting of glass over a 500"sq area. I'm not sure which one
I'll remember more - Standing there, with a shit-eating grin on my face while watching everyone freak the fuck out, or going to class the next day and
listening to Meek explain that he, and this is the actual quote, "wasn't allowed to blow anything up anymore." Seriously - This guy sent two
teenagers to the emergency room and proceeded to finish out the year and then 4 MORE!!! Not sure why he left, was either the new administration or a
bigger paycheck in another town... Either way, he's one of the teachers I wish was still around when my little sister makes it up there...