Sciencemadness Discussion Board

what kind of pump for water aspirator?

jwarr - 21-4-2011 at 06:12

Hey guys,
I'd like to increase the longevity of my oil vacuum pump by using a recirculating water aspirator to draw off residual solvent/water during distillation. I've noticed before even a small amount of organic solvent turns the oil a dark brown/black color.

So I got a plastic aspirator and I'm looking into what sort of pump I should be using, as my 15 dollar aquarium pump simply does not cut it. What sort of pump should I be looking for? What is the most important feature (nozzle pressure/feet of head?). Ballpark idea of price? Any help would be much appreciated. If anyone has a specific brand that has worked well for them I'd love to hear about it.

GreenD - 21-4-2011 at 09:24

Why wouldn't you use a standard sink faucet?

If you're in the woods or something you could use either an air-gun compressor (high output)... otherwise I'm not quite sure something like an automatic bike tire compressor or an inflatable bed compressor would have enough output.

You could also simply fill up a giant tank, hook up a nozzle, and use gravity. . .

jwarr - 21-4-2011 at 10:16

A sink faucet is going to be pretty wasteful, I'd like to use a recirculating water pump.

GreenD - 21-4-2011 at 13:17

Look up sump pumps... really - this is more of a google question.

bfesser - 21-4-2011 at 18:38

Quote: Originally posted by GreenD  
Look up sump pumps... really - this is more of a google question.

It's not a Google question if he's asking what we <em>have tried and recommend</em> for this specific purpose. Honestly, I'm wondering the same thing--sick of wasting tap water.

NurdRage - 21-4-2011 at 18:53

Water pumps for computer cooling systems are rather easy to come buy.

I have one to recirculate water for my distillation setup, although i never used it for an aspirator.

Hopefully someone who has tried this will jump in :)

[Edited on 22-4-2011 by NurdRage]

bob800 - 21-4-2011 at 19:08

Here's another thread on this:

I still use tap water, but may try this eventually to save H<sub>2</sub>O.

[Edited on 22-4-2011 by bob800]

Mumbles - 21-4-2011 at 19:18

A circulating pump, or small pond pump isn't going to cut it. I believe my pump ran in the vicinity of 250gal/hr. On my best days I could pull a vacuum of around 50-60mmHg.

This thread seems like it would be pretty helpful: