Hello everyone! I am sure that all of you know what gelignite is (93% NG + 7% NC), but I recently found a different (better?) mixture. It comes from a
questionable source, so that's why I want to ask your opinion on it. It is composed of (by mass):
These are the advantages I see of this composition (compared to conventional gelignite):
-Lower freezing point (EGDN vs NG)
-Cheaper (Flour and potassium nitrate are a lot cheaper than EGDN and NC)
-Better consistency (More playdough-like instead of semi-liquid like gelignite)
-Less sensitive (If I'm right EGDN is less sensitive than NG, and the added KNO3/flour should also decrease sensitivity, right?)
-Easier preparation
The book says that the explosive power is the same as gelignite, but is it true? Also, how will the storage stability be impacted? Are the points I
listed correct? Thank you in advance
What do you think?Sir_Gawain - 8-10-2024 at 12:56
The only plastic I’ve made was 70/30 ETN/EDGN. It has pretty good properties and is extremely powerful. I think I’ll try this one. Your points
look correct. 4-Stroke - 8-10-2024 at 13:21
That's great! Post your results once you make it. The problem for me is that I want it to be completely OTC, so I can get ethylene glycol
(antifreeze), but erythritol is not available OTC (at least where I live).ManyInterests - 14-10-2024 at 11:53
The only plastic explosive I made (and it was more of a blasting jelly than a true plastic) was with methyl nitrate and nitrostarch. But I was
planning on making some EGDN down the line, so why not?Laboratory of Liptakov - 14-10-2024 at 12:46
.....The book says that the explosive power is the same as gelignite, but is it true?....Mixture will sure weakly than gelginite. But yet it will
EM with high brisantion. Similarly as semtex.....4-Stroke - 14-10-2024 at 17:21
That's great! Post your results once you make it. The problem for me is that I want it to be completely OTC, so I can get ethylene glycol
(antifreeze), but erythritol is not available OTC (at least where I live).
In Canada? Pretty surprising if a browse around a grocery store's sugar replacements doesn't turn up big bags of the stuff. 4-Stroke - 14-10-2024 at 23:05
It certainly is available online, but I have not been able to find it anywhere physically (at least in my range).ManyInterests - 15-10-2024 at 11:30
But I was planning on making some EGDN down the line, so why not?.
That's good to know that you'll be trying it! Please report back your results.
I actually don't remember. I initially intended to use 10:1 gram ratio of methyl nitrate to nitrostarch (highly nitrogenated), but something went up
and it didn't fully plasticize. I just kept adding more and more. I was told that I needed to give it time and it was had to be at warmer temperature
than the sub-zero C it was at.
Also as for detonation? One end of the tube was not sealed and while methyl nitrate is easy to detonate, I think the brass cartridge blasting cap I
used was very faulty. So it is inconclusive and I need to try again.