Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Reminder: members meeting

Arthur Dent - 13-4-2011 at 13:51 members meeting

Just a quick reminder and with permission from Polverone, I just wanted to let the Sciencemadness members that i'll be this weekend in Montreal at a Flea Market/Hamfest...:D

Here are the informations:

Montreal Flea Market/HamFest
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Royal Canadian Legion Hall Branch #212 (LaSalle)
7771 Bouvier (Corner of Shevchenko)
Ville LaSalle, Quebec
Bus STM #109 stops at corner.

Vendors 8:15 AM
Public 09:00 AM - noon
Door Prizes
General Admission 5.00$
Tables: 10,00$ each 18,00$ for two


I have reserved two tables and will be there to represent the hobby electronics/computer/chemistry community. I'll bring a lot of surplus gear I have and intend to swap/sell/buy 'till I get red in the face!!! I'll be there with a buddy of mine that has some top notch photo equipment/video editing/network gear for sale, he's a world class macintosh guru!

All the members in the neighborhood are welcome to drop in, i'll be having a ball there and I hope to meet some of you there! I'll put a few pictures of the event (if I remember to bring my camera!) ;)


hkparker - 13-4-2011 at 14:12

Yay, a sciencemadness meet up! :D Unfortunately, I live nowhere near there... :(

If any members on the west coast are interested in meeting up I am going to science convention in a month and will be running a chemistry table

Arthur Dent - 14-4-2011 at 03:26

And I know you've organized an event in your area, have fun with that! Boy I wish I could visit California. Never been there!

As for the Montreal meeting, since the Flea Market is an annual thing, I hope to repeat this next year too. Maybe this'll become a cool annual gathering of amateur chemists! :)

I'll bring some spare glassware including distillation gear, flasks and adapters. I'll also have a good selection of computer parts, vintage electronic equipment and network/telecom gear.

I look forward to do some selling, probably a lot of buying and trading too, so anyone who has surplus glassware, bring it along and we might strike a deal!

I am looking in particular for thermometer adapters and thermometers, RBFs, soxhlet and custom, offbeat glassware in good condition.

Phew, I'm not even finished packing and I already have 13 photocopier paper boxes of gear! Good god I'm a hoarder! LOL :o :P


Arthur Dent - 16-4-2011 at 11:25

Well it was a success! Very lively flea market with lots of collectors and science geeks. Sadly, no SciMad members showed-up because they would have seen the Forum's logo in front of my table. Sold about $150 of crap, my biggest sale was an old graham condenser, the rest being vintage electronic parts, old computers, lasers and test instruments. That being said, the people there are real wheeler dealers and don't expect to sell your valuable stuff for very much.

Lots of interesting electronic stuff, but I had little time away from my table to browse. I'll be applying for my Amateur radio license soon, the kind organizers giving me all the info to acquire it. Yay!

I'll post pix shortly.
