Has anyone ever ordered from labproinc.com?
Are they reliable and do they sell to individuals ?
They are a bit pricey but they have some unusual chemicals.Rainwater - 25-3-2024 at 11:14
Never hear of them.
Round 1
(...picking random product...)
(.. searching google.... )
30 seconds later. Identical product found from a reputable dealer
Who knowsdettoo456 - 25-3-2024 at 12:00
Looks extremely overpriced. If you want weird intermediates just buy from AkSci or Enamine - both cheaper and reputable.Texium - 25-3-2024 at 12:27
It’s not a synthesis I’m confortable making as it uses really toxic reagents and high temps that I’m not equipped for. Maybe one day…
That’s why I’m trying to buy some.dettoo456 - 26-3-2024 at 09:53
Are you trying to prepare 5-ATz? If so, it’d probably be easier just to buy that instead of the AG. I’ll U2U you a list of the suppliers I’ve
found if you’re interested - some may be helpful in this instance.
Also, the Nitroguanidine reduction method to prepare AG doesn’t require any exotic or toxic materials - Gaunidine Nitrate & H2SO4 are both very
cheap and available, and Zn/HCl or electrodes for the electrolytic reduction are both very cheap.
kennedpa - 21-4-2024 at 09:55
I ordered from there and only got flagged due to non-commercial address. They seemed to be hinting that just getting a better address would allow it.
It was a very long email and usually they just say we do not sell to patients, or, you do not qualify to make this purchase.