Beyond the general instant information you can research on this subject, when it comes to boiling points 20 - 30 degrees apart. It soon gets difficult
to get great seperation!
Some notable examples are
H2O + C2H5OH,
H2O + H2SO4,
CH3NO2 + CH3OH, to name a few.
In the first example H2O + C2H5OH, you can reach 96% ethanol. But distilation no longer will work, so the use of drying agents in needed here, first
and best choice is 3A mol sieves. This will get you anhydrous ethanol!
The second example H2O + H2SO4, I personally know no way to break this azeotrope. Or why you would need/want to, no doubt there are applications that
need and use anhydrous H2SO4.