Sciencemadness Discussion Board

What does this abbreviation mean?

Boffis - 10-10-2023 at 01:36

I am trying to find the following reference:
Greiff, Jahrb., 1863, p. 392

"Jahrb" is simply an abbreviation for "Jahrbücher" or Yearbook in German but does anyone know what the full title might be? A google search for Jahrbücher gave a vast number of hits but none seemed to be chemistry orientated.

phlogiston - 10-10-2023 at 02:29

"Jahrbücher" is plural, it might help a bit to use the singular "Jahrbuch".

A quick test turns up some chemistry/mineralogy related stuff, e.g. the link below, but I dont see any within the first two pages of google hits for which the author matches (Greiff isnt mentioned anywhere in the below example that I can see).

It should also help to try adding one or more keywords you think might be present in the text or related to what you are looking for.

Boffis - 18-10-2023 at 07:39

Your are right phlogiston but I couldn't find anything really useful under either singular or plural versions. I also found another possibility, meaning "annual review" (Jahresrückblick) but again I couldn't find suitable find from the right era.

Then I checked out the lists of abbreviations at the front of various books such as "Thorpe's Dictionary of Applied chemistry" etc. and discovered that it probably refers to "Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der Chemie und verwandter Teile anderer Wissenschaften". However, when I looked at the 1863 edition in the index it is the 1861 issue! and they don't have an 1865 issue... stuffed again. At least I know what I am looking for now.

Diachrynic - 18-10-2023 at 23:45

I think this is the page you are looking for

Boffis - 19-10-2023 at 13:34

@Diachrynic, thank you very much! It is indeed the page (actually there seems to be several pages) that I need. As you can see I am interested in thiochronates salts.