Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Uranium-Tungsten-Bismuth compound

vano - 17-9-2022 at 04:28

Hello! I made an unusual and rare compound, a heteropolymetalate containing Uranium, tungsten, and bismuth. here are some photos of the compound and structure. this is the formula Na13[Na(UO2)2(H2O)4(BiW9O33)2] * 33H2O.

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Lion850 - 18-9-2022 at 00:26

Hi Vano very interesting. How did you make it?

vano - 18-9-2022 at 01:11

hello! that was easy, you need bismuth-tungsten heteropolymetalate and soluble uranyl salt. here is the paper, which contains also the synthesis of K&NH4 salts of this heteropolymetalate.

vano - 18-9-2022 at 01:16

Also if you want a methodic of synthesis of Na9[BiW9O33] *14H2O, just let me know, ill find it later. I made this as I made an antimony analog - Na9[α-SbW9O33]*27H2O.

j_sum1 - 18-9-2022 at 03:05

Thanks vano. You always produce interesting stuff.

vano - 18-9-2022 at 03:16

thank you so much j_sum1!