- 10g taurine and 3.3g NaOH dissolved in 120ml water without heating, almost completely clear solution.
- 10g MnSO4.xH2O dissolved in 120ml water, heated to obtain a clear pale pink solution
- Add manganese to taurine solution, both now hot.
- Cream colored suspension formed
- After 2 hours stirring the solution turned light brown with darker brown where exposed to air.
- Gravity filter. Easy to filter. Light brown filtrate, darker brown remainder (I saw the next day that the filtrate cleared up and more brown dust
settled, thus either the product is fine enough for some to pass through the filter or some stayed dissolved and fell out during the colder night).
- On steam bath for 3 hours, this product dries quick.
- 3.5g of fine brown powder was recovered.
- When treated with HCl, product turns black and then dissolved slowly. No chlorine smell. A manganese taurine complex is mentioned online but whether
this is it I do not know.