I remember buying reagent acetone for lab and it smelling sweet and clean. I just bought some acetone from the hardware store and it definitely works
but the smell it's definitely different. It smells like it has a heavy petroleum added to it like hexane. Does anyone know why this might be.Deathunter88 - 14-2-2022 at 09:09
Where are you located? In the USA Kleanstrip, Sunnyside, Jasco and Crown all make excellent purity hardware store acetone. In other parts of the world
the industrial grade acetone may or may not contain a significant portion of hydrocarbons. Texium - 14-2-2022 at 09:23
Yeah, I even got a proton NMR of Crown acetone once and it was undeniably pure (and dry). I'm sure all the other brands that Deathunter mentioned
source their product from the same factories/same process.
[Edited on 2-14-2022 by Texium]j_sum1 - 14-2-2022 at 20:44
Here in Aus, acetone seems to be full of crap. But it distils quite well and I have not had any issue using the distillate. (Not that I have done
anything ambitious.) It does appear to be quite dry, which is something.
If in doubt, distil.sauveurdumonde - 15-2-2022 at 04:27
Here in Canada, you can buy nail polish remover advertised as 100% acetone. Smells sort of "sweet" at small concentrations. No residue left behind
when burned. Distills just fine. RustyShackleford - 15-2-2022 at 10:40
The way acetone is industrially manufactured doesnt leave much room for contamination, any contaminant is likely to be added afterwards. If its really
cheap in a larger quantity (like cans and jugs), its probably right from the factory nozzle. CycloRook - 15-2-2022 at 16:00
Where are you located? In the USA Kleanstrip, Sunnyside, Jasco and Crown all make excellent purity hardware store acetone. In other parts of the world
the industrial grade acetone may or may not contain a significant portion of hydrocarbons.
according to
klean strip MSDS it does in fact contain 100% acetone.chloric1 - 4-10-2024 at 09:37
The difference between reagent grade acetone and the hardware store stuff as far as odor is concerned is subtle. Is it possible that hardware store
acetone might have other ketones mixed in? If you want to experiment with dissolving ionic solids with lower ionic lattice energy in acetone, you can
always dry it with anhydrous calcium sulfate and distill it. Sulaiman - 5-10-2024 at 05:00
Via an online shopping site I can buy
99.9% or 99% acetone
95% or 75% acetone (with glycerol as a moisturiser?)
MEK (or similar) labeled as 'acetone substitute' or sometimes just 'acetone'
If I buy via a laboratory supplies company I can choose grade
with a choice of manufacturer.
My first online shopping purchase of acetone was actually MEK
- it definitely smelled unlike acetone and I got a refund.
My second was 'pure' acetone
- correct smell with a secondary slightly sharp/unpleasant smell that I don't recognise.
I actually have an order for 99.9% acetone that should arrive soon.
If it smells different I'll report it here.Sulaiman - 7-10-2024 at 01:09
My newly received acetone does smell different to my present 'pure' (consumer grade) acetone stock;
Both have a pure sweet acetone smell
The additional 'sharp' smell is very strong from the 'pure' sample and weakly present in the '99.9%' sample.chloric1 - 7-10-2024 at 12:56
Hmm OK then. Is acetone still made via cumene oxidation or is there some other route now. Kind of wonder if the “sharp” odor component is
propylene, isopropyl alcohol or some other contaminants entirely?Random - 7-10-2024 at 13:58
I have this Acetone which is according to my personal memory bought inside 20i6.
It smells like Acetone.
I even put a tongue into this Acetone to taste it. I have said to myself, this is somewhat stronger than Ethanol
But let me get again OnTopic, 20i7, that was a year of higher quality products.
I am Economist.
In 2023 you would be happy if something else was not inside medication if you take it.
I remember this one medication, inside structure it should have been Sulphur.
I thought to myself... Is this Selenium taste...
And I remember being on a call with \\\one person\\\ and I said... You know, Selenium. He said something like - yes, I was told to take it.
And I checked Selenium price also and it got somewhat upwards
And on one paper inside 12 2023, I between everything other wrote: AnalXh. Forensics was 2nd. dsl
AnalXh in terms of \\\analytical chemistry\\\
Paper was according to all indications burnt by one person that was and still is near me.