argox120 - 4-1-2022 at 05:07
hello fellas, I wanted to exchange some lialh4 powder for crystals. due to the constant fear of potential explosion danger. is anyone interested, if
so please reply to it, I can take pellets too just reply to this with a picture? I am looking to specifically exchange 500 grams worth.
Triflic Acid - 4-1-2022 at 08:39
what do you mean "crystals"?
argox120 - 4-1-2022 at 10:37
like this
[Edited on 4-1-2022 by argox120]
[Edited on 4-1-2022 by argox120]
Attachment: download.jfif (8kB)
This file has been downloaded 220 times
njl - 4-1-2022 at 10:47
I think they mean they want to exchange their powdered LiAlH4 for crystalline LiAlH4
argox120 - 4-1-2022 at 17:07
Yes exactly my friend