specialactivitieSK - 21-12-2021 at 23:34
How Safe and Sensitive is Ammonium Perchlorate with Dark pyro Aluminium itself or with CUO as catalysator. THX.
XeonTheMGPony - 22-12-2021 at 04:54
Safe is a subjective non coporial term.
Ie it is a state of mind vs a substance.
I'll leave sensitivity to others.
MineMan - 22-12-2021 at 08:11
It all depends on ratio of aluminum. But it is one of my formulas.
I have found it to be very safe. Though you need to do sensitivity tests because I add very little CuO
[Edited on 22-12-2021 by MineMan]
ManyInterests - 22-12-2021 at 19:47
How sensitive is ammonium perchlorate on its own though?
ShotBored - 1-2-2022 at 06:55
@ManyInterests pretty damn safe unless you're hitting sub-15 micron material with a shockwave.
Nitrosio - 2-2-2022 at 01:07
NH4ClO4 (41%) + KNO3 (35%) + C (5%) + 2 Al (19%) = KCl + 2 H2O + CO2 + N2 + Al2O3
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[Edited on 2-2-2022 by Nitrosio]
AngelEyes - 2-2-2022 at 09:31
I'd be careful with that. Ammonium salt plus a nitrate? Aluminium plus a nitrate? It may be a good powder but I would not want to store it for even a
short time.
ShotBored - 2-2-2022 at 09:41
Agreed with AngelEyes. At least add 0.5% boric acid to the AP/KNO3/Al/C mix to stabilize, if it gets moisture, good likelihood of it becoming a
dangerous mix. I'd just avoid adding KNO3 to it all together if possible. Might as well use KClO4.