For drugs, you want a pharmacology class.
What it is called will depend on your school.
For colorado school of mines they have an chemical engineering 'Introduction to Pharmacology' as a 400 level course.
There are also Biochemistry courses, usually the biochemistry 2 starts in on drugs.
Advanced organic chemistry courses will have more pharmacology.
But that school is more engineering oriented, you really need a school that has a medical research program for advanced drug synthesis and
They are one of the few schools with a course on explosives in the US.
They actually get to blow shit up and get college credit for it.
(S) A basic introduction to explosives engineering and applied explosives science for students that recently completed their freshman or sophomore
years at CSM. Topics covered will include safety and explosives regulations, chemistry of explosives, explosives physics, and detonation properties.
The course features a significant hands-on practical laboratory learning component with several sessions held at the Explosives Research Laboratory
(ERL) in Idaho Springs. Students completing this course will be well prepared for more advanced work in MNGN333 and MNGN444. Prerequisites: PHGN100,
CHGN121, CHGN122, MATH111, and MATH112. 2 hours lecture; 3 hours lab; 3 semester hours.
That school also has more advanced classes in Explosives MNGN333 and MNGN444.