Hello, I have seen you on ebay. Could you please put some example prices without the ebay commission, and including shipping? I don't see any prices
on your website.Antigua - 20-9-2021 at 04:26
Reminding that 2,4-dinitrophenol is deadly if used as what it's infamous for (J Med Toxicol. 7 (3): 205–12.)!Mateo_swe - 20-9-2021 at 05:36
Where in the world are you located, in EU?katyushaslab - 20-9-2021 at 10:00
Shipping from where? What payment types are accepted? ChemAlley - 21-9-2021 at 05:14
Hello, I have seen you on ebay. Could you please put some example prices without the ebay commission, and including shipping? I don't see any prices
on your website.
If you order directly, we give 15-20% off prices, accept any cryptocurrncy.