So i want to try and make a small hydrogen torch. The flame speed of a hydtogen air mix is brutal cf/ say lpg, so how does onecombat this practically.
Smaller jet and long er nossel?Sulaiman - 26-8-2021 at 07:27
Yeah yeah yeah, already seen them, they are kinda irrelevant because the thing is tuned to h I s h2/o2 output. A
Additionally aflashback arrest is a safety device, you want a torch that never relies on one, that's what i meant when i asked how do you combat that
flame speed? What elements need to be designed into the torch.
Also i want to naturally air aspirate the hydrogen via a jet. Im figuring ill require a very fine jet, large airj take hole, a long mixing chamber.
Sort of li I e anoxy/acetylene weklding torch except no oxy and a jet.
So anyone have any ideas?