I mean, I can appreciate that you worked hard on this, but a lot of the chemistry here isn't that simple, or is just incorrect. Demethylation of
vanillin, your very first step, is often shown to be incredibly frustrating and low-yielding, and attempts made with hydrobromic acid as you suggest
frequently don't demethylate it, and those that do show signs of hope often lead to brominated products as well.
A Williamson ether synthesis doesn't involve a carboxylic acid; it involves a deprotonated alcohol, such as a phenol or an alkoxide in anhydrous
conditions. So one of your products in the second picture is incorrect. Dihalomethanes aren't going to react in any way with piperonylic acid, if one
were to get that far in the first place.
I'm not sure why you propose carrying out a Cannizzaro reaction after demethylation of vanillin, when piperonal can be made directly from
protocatechualdehyde and then someone could use piperonal itself as the substrate for cannizzaro, if they actually want piperonyl alcohol and
piperonylic acid.