Yeah, that article has been around the block here a few times since 2016. A few members here were interviewed for it, namely BromicAcid, blogfast, and
PHILOU. It is a nice warm-and-fuzzy read, but unfortunately it doesn’t make up for the bad press that hobby chemistry gets from other news articles
and places like r/chemistry. Look no further than blogfast (Gert Meyers). When this article was written he was selling chemicals to hobbyists. A year
later, he was imprisoned because some of his pyrotechnic materials ended up in the hands of a terrorist and his home lab was found to violate multiple
safety codes. He had been previously warned about that and had ample time to clean up his lab, so I wouldn’t say he was totally innocent, though the
severity of his sentencing and the way he was absolutely crucified by the media and public was definitely unwarranted. You can see the whole sordid
drama unfold in threads on here, just search for “blogfast” in the subject line.
[Edited on 5-26-2021 by Texium] |