Sciencemadness Discussion Board

UK sulphuric acid

MrDBrewer - 6-2-2021 at 23:35

So i had just got used to the fact that i was going to have to make nitric acid, relatively easy process. But now apc wont supply me sulphuric acid. I have a small brewery and require the lower conc sulphuric acid to neutralize the caustic solutions used for cleaning vessels. I do however also require higher conc sulphuric acid.

My question is will i just have to buy a dc power supply and make my own sulphuric acid from now on due to the eu regulations on chemical supplys, even though we arent even in europe anymore... or can i get some from a supplier if i say it for brewery use?

Fyndium - 7-2-2021 at 02:10

If you have a company you can buy it. For privates the sale over 15 needs license and over 40 is restricted.

Can be substituted readily with bisulfate.

MrDBrewer - 7-2-2021 at 10:20

okay i will ring apc tomorrow and find out thank you

i had not thought of using bisulphate as an alternative for caustic neaturalization. may try, hopefully no nasty chlorine gas is produced.

zed - 9-2-2021 at 00:00

Can generate it, by microwaving the ammonia, out of mono-ammonium sulfate.

Might be able to access a procedure, in Pre-publication. Or possibly just a regular search, via our search engine.

Usually works for me, but I have a mind like a steel-trap. Old and rusty.

Some of the guys concentrate battery electrolyte.

[Edited on 9-2-2021 by zed]

MrDBrewer - 9-2-2021 at 12:37

wasnt long before im told to just use the search bar. think i may have to have a look around my area for battery's.

i just had my 1l heating mantle arrive so might be able to heat some of that electrolyte up just a tad or 330ish, just a scary thought.

i know copper sulphate is an easy option jusgt a lot of work for not much rewards

Aloesci - 11-2-2021 at 08:26

You can get car battery acid online in the UK with a Sg of 1.26 which makes it ~35% sulphuric with not much in the way of impurities.
There's procedures online on how to concentrate sulfuric acid as well (its very easy).

Fyndium - 11-2-2021 at 11:34

You wanna concentrate sulfuric acid, buy a couple of cheap sacrificial flasks from china and blast them with propane. Use ebulliator with small air pump to reduce bumping. Should do the job, and if the flask happens to break, you'll only lose some acid and a few bucks for the flask. If and probably when they won't break, you have a couple of extra boiling flasks.

Best done outdoors, of course, or manufacture some sort of pit in case of catastrophic failure and use a condenser to prevent acid plume.

MrDBrewer - 12-2-2021 at 08:48

Quote: Originally posted by Aloesci  
You can get car battery acid online in the UK with a Sg of 1.26 which makes it ~35% sulphuric with not much in the way of impurities.
There's procedures online on how to concentrate sulfuric acid as well (its very easy).

think i may do as nilered does in his first purification of sulphuric just by boiling it down, im sure 96 vs 98% isnt really going to matter too much to me. basically additive free 1.26g/ml

i used to be able to get 2mol sulphuric acid but the other day when i checked to order another 5l and it was removed from the list. i have now found something

[Edited on 12-2-2021 by MrDBrewer]