Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Free science DVDs

Steve_hi - 2-3-2011 at 17:52

I don't know if many of you are aware that you can get free DVDs and a quarterley magazine from HHMI Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Covering everything from AIDS to Stem Cells they are free and very well made. Avaiable for the asking to Americans and Canadiens including free shipping.I have about 16 of them and I was just watching the newest one that I receieved yesterday "Exploring Biodiversity". I noticed a couple of interesting things which there have been 2 threads created on, "Chromatography"and "Bioluminescence" only a small part of the lecture but intersting because I have just been reading the threads. Anyways as I'm relatively new to this forum I am not sure if I should be posting something like this in here if not I'm sorry and of course you can delete it.

gaveupontv - 6-6-2011 at 09:38

That's pretty neat. I got a bunch of information, that will be sent to me. I guess that Howard Hughes endowed them with enough money to spend on this education? There was a section on grants too.
Thanks for the info.