I plan to make ferric phosphate according to article above. I'll make two batches: First from 1:2 0,1M Fe(NO3)3:0,1M NH4H2PO4, second from 1:2 0,1M
NH4Fe(SO4)2.12H2O:0,1M H3PO4. First should have highest ion exchange capacity. Second will be just attempt if nitrate can be replaced by more common
I have a question. In the paper say: Ferric phosphate was precipitated by adding phosphoric acid or ammonium dihydrogen phosphate to the solution of
ferric nitrate with constant stirring under the conditions given in Table 1. The required pH of the final product was adjusted by adding either
hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide solution.
I think that precipitation pH is that both solutions, which are mixed, have the same pH, precipitate is formed at the same pH. But this looks like
they adjust pH after the precipitation to required value. So I am not sure what to do. |