On the other hand(pun intended), I pump stuff with fuel primer hand squeeze pump and with gas washer head. Just attach it to a flask, put a tube down
whatever you want to suction and start squeezing. The flexibility of the tubing is not an issue here, I use rigid PTFE tubings when necessary.
Technically any container can be pressurized or vacuumed in order to push or pull the liquid out, the pressure difference will be in millibars so no
risk of stress. I used to drain my brewing pots into the boiler with just putting a vacuum cleaner to the inlet, and 50 liters of wash was transferred
within a minute through 1" tube. When filling homemade wine from carboy, I just turn the squeezer around, pushing air into the carboy, which pushes
the wine up to the tube and to the bottle. The moment you stop pumping, it will create a pressure lock and prevent any further drainage. For larger
amounts, just put a decent aquarium air pump to do the job. You can do simple fittings for many bottle sizes from conical silicon or rubber plug, and
for larger openings like 10L buckets or even 50L I just cut a sheet from plywood and put silicone caulk or rubber to seal it up.
I also use these pumps for vacuum suction filters. They provide enough vacuum to filter stuff nicely, and have absolutely no risk of imploding
erlenmeyers, unlike actual vacuum pumps which can easily reach 1kg/cm2 vacuum. The larger the filtration flask, the less often you have to reapply the