Watched the video on ultrasonic soldering.... quite fascinating! Never heard of the process before.
Not sure if it would be applicable to glass-to-metal seals for high vacuum tho. For one, I’m not sure if the joint would be reliably vacuum-tight.
For another, I’m having a hard time imagining a practical geometry for the glass-solder-metal connection: yes, you can coat the glass with the
solder, and also coat the metal with the solder, but how do you connect the two? If you butt them up after coating with solder, and place in an oven,
will the solder bond together without de-bonding from the glass?
Probably easier to do traditional glass to metal with Kovar, or knife-edge glass to copper (“housekeeper” seal if I remember correct). Tungsten to
uranium glass is a fun one too.
Oh, another silly idea... look for old He mass spectrometer leak detectors. They usually have two roughing pumps, a diffusion pump, a cold trap, lots
of plumbing and valves, a Pirani gauge etc. Or just use the whole unit as a portable high vacuum workbench. Veeco and Heraeus are common brands.
I’ve obtained two for nearly free over the years, just gotta be in the right place at the right time. |