nguyenvannam2904 - 5-8-2020 at 06:11
When finding a suitable vacuum pump system for my lab, I found out Nurdrage video on Youtube about Venturi aspirator pump.
The link :
In video, he said that we can attach the aspirator vacuum pump with a gas compressor instead of water pump to avoid messing.
However, I don't know the specifications requirement for the gas compressor ( pressure in PSI or flow rate in litre/min )
Have you guy have any experience in this field? Hope to have the solution for my question <3

[Edited on 5-8-2020 by nguyenvannam2904]
Syn the Sizer - 5-8-2020 at 06:21
I believe the water pressure in an average home is limited to ~50psi by a regulator, so I would start with that and go from there.
Do a test vacuum distilling water with that and see how low you can boil water, if it is not enough raise the pressure on the compressors regulator. I
believe most household compressors are between 120psi and 200psi, but I could be wrong in that range.
But to be honest, my opinion is get a bucket and a suitable water pump, messing should be an issue as long as the outlet hose goes back into the
bucket. I am sure a water pump is more energy efficient that the compressor.
If you are going the compressor route, I would just find a way to use the compressor inlet as a vacuum, use a couple traps to catch damaging vapours
to protect the motor and save the hassle of figuring out the aspirator pump with the compressor.
Flow rate should be limited by the inlet/outlet on the aspirator.
[Edited on 5-8-2020 by Syn the Sizer]
Syn the Sizer - 5-8-2020 at 06:28
The mods will fix it, place this in reagents and apparatus acquisition, and remove your other post.