Sciencemadness Discussion Board

PETN loading pressure vs. density chart

dangerous amateur - 24-7-2020 at 01:40

Hi guys,

I once had a table for loading pressure vs. density but I cant find it nowhere.

Can somebody help me out?

B(a)P - 24-7-2020 at 01:58

Quote: Originally posted by dangerous amateur  
Hi guys,

I once had a table for loading pressure vs. density but I cant find it nowhere.

Can somebody help me out?

I have this document that has a logarithmic table for PETN and others for load pressure vs density. It may be a touch crude for what you are after. Hope this helps.

Attachment: HNS 4666790.pdf (3.5MB)
This file has been downloaded 674 times

dangerous amateur - 31-8-2020 at 07:44

Thank you very much, B(a)P :)