Organicsynth - 12-7-2020 at 08:49
I want to check if a reaction is complete but I have no control substance, so I have no way to know what looks like on the TLC the reaction complete
On the synthesis I'm trying to make, it says the duration of the reaction should be 30 minutes (and that I should check it with TLC to confirm).
In my case, because I have no control substance, if I let the reaction going for double the time, for example 1 hour, that should be enough to
guarantee that the reaction was made properly?
DraconicAcid - 12-7-2020 at 09:26
Use your starting material as a control substance. If the TLC shows that there isn't any of it left, your reaction is done.
Organicsynth - 12-7-2020 at 09:40
lol why I haven't thought of that before... thanks!
brubei - 12-7-2020 at 11:33
You can also use colour test to check if the chemical proprieties of your compound relate with expected product.