thors.lab - 7-7-2020 at 16:34
I spend way too much time trying to figure out how to source chemicals here in the U.S., and basically always end up trying to either extract
something from something on Amazon or just buying it on eBay.
Are there any U.S. based suppliers on the forum? Not looking for anything particularly exotic, just want a single unified place I can always come back
to in case I need something.
karlosĀ³ - 7-7-2020 at 18:43
Take a look into the wiki of SM, it has a wonderful list of suppliers somewhere there.
Cou - 7-7-2020 at 19:39
First I check amazon and ebay
if I can't find it there, I check (terrible customer service during COVID-19) and and
if i still can't find it, and can't cheaply make it from something else in good yields, is the last resort
monolithic - 8-7-2020 at 15:45
I've had good luck with Consolidated Chemical and Chemsavers. The latter will charge you an additional shipping and handling fee for certain items but
they're not being greedy. They're essentially a reseller and their supplier (mostly Beantown Chemical) won't ship many chemicals to residential
woelen - 8-7-2020 at 23:51
I have good experience with
It is in New York, geared towards photography and old processes. They have many chemicals, which also are useful for general home chemistry.
Cou - 9-7-2020 at 00:27
Forgot about A very good source of common chemicals such as sulfuric acid, methanol, sodium hydroxide, etc, with cheap industrial prices.
Frankenshtein - 26-9-2020 at 09:47
Wow, some of these sources arent in the wiki and theyre hugely beneficial to me. Particularly, I would hate to have to make triethylamine.
Carolina biological is a US source..
American elements web pages state theyll ship to residential adresses.
I've never ordered from either though. I had a good experience with chemsavers.
[Edited on 26-9-2020 by Frankenshtein]