nikotyna1919 - 18-6-2020 at 16:31
is it possible to extracting titanium dioxide from dried wall paint flakes by using pyrolysis
also what is the chemical product of dried wall paint flakes pryolysis
Ubya - 18-6-2020 at 17:25
you are too confident that paint universally contains titanium dioxide, probably white paint could have some, but there are so many compounds used in
if you find paint that is made with titanium dioxide yes of course you can get it out of it, and by pyrolysis i think you mean burning.
titanium dioxide should be in a suspenion of organic compounds (and i'm pretty sure other inorganic compounds), so by burning it you remove the
organic part, and are left with titanium dioxide (and lots of other crap) in the ashes.
what is the chemical product of dried wall paint flakes pyrolysis? lots of stuff, that is the closest answer you'll get from your broad question
[Edited on 19-6-2020 by Ubya]
Refinery - 19-6-2020 at 01:04
These kind of questions are fancy on their own. Industrial processes are developed to extract and purify feedstock, but usually they are case
sensitive and economic viability dictates if its done. More than 1$ must be obtained from every $ invested.