Nice! First and third one are used to create aerosols. The piece of glassware is connected on top of a bottle and you push air through the inlet tube.
The air comes through the other tube, which has also a small capillary in the center. As the air travelling around the capilllary exits the apparatus,
it draw liquid through the capillary and said liquid is aerosolized by the air flow. The air flowrate has to be sufficient to draw the liquid up the
capillary, otherwise the liquid rises but never makes it to the top.
It's a bit like a water aspirator but reversed: high speed air to pump water instead of high speed water to pump air.
The second photo I'm not completely sure, but possibly the same thing as the other two.
If you find a use for them, tell me! I've got a similar piece which I want to use but I don't know what for yet.
Btw, the previous post about the distillation receiver: In Germany (and possibly europe) it's also called an Anschütz-Thiele receiver (Vorstoß). I
thought this information could be useful to someone if the stumble upon this thread. |