FLchem10 - 18-2-2011 at 11:04
So I bought a titanium stretched covered MMO anode and when it got here first off there was a very small amount of powder from the anode in the
mailing envelope but I hoped that was just the mail throwing it around....now there is about 7 layers of coating on it BUT it is a dark brown......I
am a little concerned that it is now what the company said it was coated in Ruthenium but isnt that a silvery metal...... I got a huge amount of it so
when I cut some off of it to make my anodes it did look like Ti under the MMO... Im just a little skeptical...
ALSO for the same company they sell these anodes that are TI coated in MMO but there a Ti tube with FINS all coated in MMO would these be really
Ill attach a pic of the finned anode... ( Ignore the copper inner tubing its just the pic for demo they have the one's Im talking about )
Plus they have everything Ti MMO coated you can think of....tubes, sheets, mesh, Platinum mesh, Wire MMO you name it and for WAY BETTER PRICE THAN IVE
EVER SEEN....!!!
ElectroWin - 6-3-2011 at 22:00
you were going to attach a pic?
White Yeti - 5-8-2011 at 06:04
They don't coat the electrode in ruthenium metal, they coat it in ruthenium oxide, which would explain the brown colour.