Hi fdnjj6, be patient, I'll synthesize mononitrotoluenes soon (perhaps in 1 year at most) to synthesize 2 and 4-amminobenzoic acids from it.
When you have such almost concentrated HNO3, you can use it with sulfuric acid. Concentrate sulfuric acid with boiling until it starts to decompose to
SO3, then you have 98% H2SO4 and mix with your HNO3 and then you can nitrate toluene. The pain is to seprate mononitrotoluenes, but when the final
goal are amminobenzoic acids, perhaps the orto could be steam distilled and para remains in distillation flask, but that I must try to figure out, it
is just my idea (the same as orto mononitrophenol is volatile with steam due to intramolecular H bridge I expect the same with orto amminobenzoic
acid). |