pdb - 11-5-2020 at 04:16
This is a short study comparing 4 uncommon primaries.
Attachment: Brisance of Primaries.pdf (523kB)
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XeonTheMGPony - 11-5-2020 at 04:28
Interesting home brew study
a note: You need to keep your fire method the same for each batch of tests, then note levels of confinement, was the fuse taped or glued just held in
position by a brace
the goal is to keep every thing as identical as possible.
pdb - 11-5-2020 at 04:35
Right. The fuse or the e-match were maintened over the opening in such a way that they didn't increase the confinement by obstructing the tube
B(a)P - 11-5-2020 at 14:54
Nice work, thanks for sharing.
What was the purpose of the comparison between 20 mg of Silver azotetrazole vs 40 mg of nitrobenzenediazonium perchlorate?
pdb - 13-5-2020 at 01:16
Both happened to be on the same aluminium sheet just because I had no other sheet left. The comparisons can be made regardless the sheets as they are
rigourously identical.