Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Buying chemicals easily

tahallium - 8-3-2020 at 14:32

Sorry for posting so much recently...
I don't know about you but I live in Tunisia ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ and it's really hard for me to buy chemicals
it's not impossible I can buy hydrochloric acid cheaply, toluene, ethanol, sodium bisulfate, hydroxide, dichloroisocyanurate, bicarb... But I can't buy sulfur! Any ammonium salt even urea, and when I ask for Fertilizers the seller always keep asking me what I'm gonna do with it (like what plant) should I say tomatoes? Idk! (I can't tell him that I'm an amateur innocent chemist cuz I'm 18 rn and i don't want to go to jail)
I'll try reacting chlorine with nitrogen and oxygen to make nitrosyl chloride even though this is so inefficient but I don't have a choice heeelp

[Edited on 8-3-2020 by tahallium]

Bedlasky - 8-3-2020 at 15:46

Can't you choose fertilizer in the store alone?

Why did you make nitrosyl chloride? And why in this stupid way? You are skared about working with lead and you make nitrosyl chloride? Obviously you don't have enough knowledge and experience, try something easier to do. Try making copper compounds - this is good to practice. And before every experiment you must know theory.

tahallium - 9-3-2020 at 01:38

Nitrosyl chloride I think is much safer than lead cuz I can work outside and can I didn't know that i choose Fertilizers by myself
Btw please stop talking about copper compounds I work with copper all the time copper chloride, oxide, carbonate, hydroxide and impure copper sulfate using sodium bisulfate cuz I don't have sulfuric acid

Bedlasky - 9-3-2020 at 02:25

Working with toxic gas is safer? I don't think so. Btw - what do you need nitrosyl chloride for? It's used for preparation of few complex nitrosyl salts, but I doubt that you have chemicals and apparaturs for that. And your way how to prepare NOCl is very inefficient. Making nitric oxide from oxygen and nitrogen without catalyst requires very high temeperatures.

Try aqueous manganese or molybdenum chemistry - they have very interesting and relatively nontoxic chemistry.

When I go in to the store, I can choose whatever I want by myself. But if you really can't this, just tell that you want it for... what just comes to mind. Tomateos, potatoes, roses... I think that almost all fertilizers contain some nitrogen source - ammonium salts, nitrates, urea, cyanamides.