When I worked at Gateway we had vac pumps that were designed for acid vapours, maybe they were specialized because we did a lot of old Safeway systems
and the Safeway in P.A. had major acid issues in the system, it was still running R22, they had to replace charcoal filter dryers like crazy, I am
sure you know how much of a hassle it is.
R134a is mostly harmless still a GW issue with a GWP of ~550 but an ODP of 0. Refrigerants is one of the industries I am considering after school,
2020 HCFC are fazed out, goodbye R22. There still aren't any really suitable replacements. CO2 is what some businesses are moving to, I used to work
on a CO2 system in a newer Sobeys here. The problem is CO2 has a super high standing pressure so if the system goes down you either need a 2nd system
keeping the receiver tank really cold so the gas migrates there and keep pressure down, as well as a pressure release so you don't blow the system up.
CO2 is cheap if you lose your charge and only has a GWP of 1 and no ODP, but to recharge an entire grocery store every few months is a pain, plus you
need to slowly charge the system up to 150 psi or you form dry ice in the lines which prevents further charging until it thaws, once you hit 150 psi
let 'er rip. So from an environmental standpoint its a great option but in practice it isn't.
Yah I would definitely be up for building a pump at some point, I have seen a few used in videos on Youtube.
Good catch on the vigreaux, I meant column lol. At the moment I have nothing I need to fractionally distill so I have it wrapped and packed away, same
as the Graham condenser. |