What email domains can we use to reg an account, other than the largest ones like google, yahoo, bing?
[Edited on 200223 by fusso]Steam - 23-2-2020 at 10:13
I think it would be smart to allow .edu emails. I am not sure if you can register with .edu but considering that a good portion of our users are at or
have recently attended university it might be a good idea to all it.j_sum1 - 23-2-2020 at 12:50
Anything you like since we are doing manual registrations.
If you change your email address to something spammers have used, you could be flagged as a spammer. But nothing will happen unless a mod does
something with it.
Why do you ask? Do you wish to create a sock account?fusso - 24-2-2020 at 09:45