Screw that shit. I'll just buy ammonium carbonte or urea(for NH3 gas generator). I spent way too much time on trying to use NH4Cl.
I decanted the leftover water and washed the white ppt twice with diethyl ether. NH4Cl&HCOONa are insoluble in ether, while HCOONH4&NaCl are
soluble. I distilled the ether to dryness but there weren't any significant amount of salts to be found(only a tiny bit, similar to what you get after
boiling off 100ml of tap-water).
If I were to repeat this process, I would have tried to reflux the solution for about 12 hours or so, to see if it will make any difference. Also I
might have used soxhelt extractor with the ether, in order to make sure I fully dissolved all the NaCl&HCOONH4 out of the ppt. But to be honest,
I'm not sure if it would work even than, and it just doesn't worth the time.
Keep in mind that it is also possible that I just fucked something up in the process, I'm still a beginner after all. But due to the simplicity of
the alleged reaction, I found it hard to believe I fucked things up so badly to a level I didn't got any measureable amount of NaCl&HCOONH4 out of
the ether...
Good night :S |