I'm from Poland and i can recommend you companies such as:
http://hadronscientific.pl/en/ - cheap, useful chemicals ;
http://chemik.aip.pl/ - variety of chemicals, very vast assortiment even some exotic ones, cheap;
https://pol-aura.pl/ - good quality stuff,
http://www.odczynnikichemiczne.sklepna5.pl - there you can buy little quantities just to test reaction, also vast assortiment and some exotic
stuff, you can also order bigger quantities but you have to text the owner.
https://www.sklep.archem.com.pl/ - there you can buy lots of acids, for just about nothing, for example 20l of sulfuric acid costs just about
90zł (20eur) + shipping to Poland like 150zł (35eur)
welcome to Poland paradise for amateur chems |