mackolol - 21-6-2019 at 09:43
Hi, I'm wondering if one could methylate 5htp to melatonin using for example methyl iodide, would it work, and how should it be done? I can't find any
informations about it in internet. Also wouldn't it methylate also amide group?
zed - 21-6-2019 at 14:51
karlosĀ³ - 21-6-2019 at 14:58
What zed wants to say is, 5-HTP is an amino acid, and melatonin is an acetylamide.
You can surely turn 5-HTP into 5-methoxytryptophan, decarboxylate that and acetylate the amine to get melatonin.
mackolol - 22-6-2019 at 00:55
Oh sorry, my bad I thought that melatonin is methoxy tryptophan. So how would I methylate that stuff just to methoxy tryptophan?
karlosĀ³ - 22-6-2019 at 03:25
Probably like you would methylate a phenol too.