Sciencemadness Discussion Board

erythritol tetranitrate recrystallization

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prometheus1970 - 7-12-2010 at 20:29

I know most etn syntheses call for recrystallization in ethanol, but I'm pretty sure I've seen methanol also listed as a viable solvent for these purposes. I know I've seen that acetone will dissolve etn, but it's a bee-yatch to get the etn to precipitate back out of solution. Does anybody know if methanol will work?

crazedguy - 7-12-2010 at 20:43

well ive tried but i dont know if i didnt have the meOH hot enough or what the problem was i think it would work if you got it relatively warm hotter than i could get with hot water

gnitseretni - 8-12-2010 at 04:45

Methanol worked fine for me.

@crazedguy: You should read this thread

routes to neutrality

prometheus1970 - 8-12-2010 at 06:33

I generally use baking soda (bicarb) solution for neutrallization, but the bicarb usually precipitates back out at some point making things messy, plus water is not miscible with alcohol. I know ammonium hydroxide works well too. My question is do I need reagent grade NH4OH, or will grocery store ammonia work fine?

[Edited on 12-8-2010 by prometheus1970]

quicksilver - 8-12-2010 at 06:50

Depends on the "brand" of NH4OH: there IS some 10% that is really, totally free from soap or any adulterants that will be fine. In fact you could make a ammonia generator bottle of a sealed container with a flexible feed-line and some ammonium sulfate (fertilizer grade) and some Lye; drop in a small amount of water and feed the tube through the existing 10% NH4OH and drive that up beyond expectation. I've used both ammonia and sodium carbonate ( or bicarb)and I found that the solid did a better job but left some material on occasion while the ammonia left a very pure product but wasn't as neutral in the final analysis.

My suggestion is to mix your bicarb with very hot water so as to really bring it into solution prior to use so you don't get any real weight changes. or use a very strong ammonia solution.
I have done very distinctive side by side experiments of methanol and ethanol ad both are fine. Acetone is to be avoided! Methanol appears to produce a more uniform crystal: a bit more granular than platelet: ethanol gives the clearest, thinnest platelets, the crystals shaving much more rapidly.

[Edited on 8-12-2010 by quicksilver]

gnitseretni - 8-12-2010 at 07:08

Quote: Originally posted by prometheus1970  
plus water is not miscible with alcohol.

If that were true, than those yellow HEET bottles wouldn't be methanol.

[Edited on 8-12-2010 by gnitseretni]

prometheus1970 - 8-12-2010 at 09:12

My bad, I was thinking back to my high school days when we made "trash can punch" and the etoh would rise to the top. I ws temporarily confusing solubility with density differences.

DougTheMapper - 10-12-2010 at 09:04

Has anyone tried recrystallization by melting and slowly cooling? It's probably not the best way to do it but it's certainly feasible.

quicksilver - 10-12-2010 at 09:13

The whole idea is to have the solvent carry away the impurities. Re-constitution would not accomplish the separation of adulterants.

hissingnoise - 10-12-2010 at 09:31

Quote: Originally posted by DougTheMapper  
It's probably not the best way to do it but it's certainly feasible.

Forget probably, it's definitely not the best way!
Melted ETN is fine when left to itself but the liquid is more sensitive than the solid!
Agitating melted ETN would be courting disaster!

Recrystallization in Methanol and Sensitivity

holmes1880 - 15-12-2010 at 18:50

In my experience, methanol is the most attainable and economic recrystallizing agent- 20L @ $40. Quicksilver mentioned in his legendary ETN lab diary that methanol is as viable of a recrystallizing/deacidifying agent as ethanol.

I have used it myself, and was certain that methanol has to be warmed up to about 50C. However, I noticed time and time again ETN gained a much different structure, crystals being much finer and the unshaven flakes being extra "fluffy" and light. This always resulted in more sensitivity in impact tests......15-20cm hammer fall would always provide a report. :o Usually, it requires more acceleration, but it went off from a rather regular fall, if I recall correctly. As a result, I have been recrystallizing ETN in regular temperature methanol, just using excess of it where ETN dissolves without much effort and generously adding sodium bicarbonate to the mix. Am I cheating my ETN of being acid-free by doing that? So far, ETN has been stored for 2 months without any change in color or sensitivity.

I've also had an experienced friend tell me that long recrystallization in methanol produces long ETN needles, with similar properties to primary explosives.

Disclaimer: Roscoe, if you think this belongs in ETN recrystallization, please, merge them, but I think this needs its own thread at least to get the discussion started.

[Edited on 16-12-2010 by holmes1880]

crazedguy - 15-12-2010 at 18:55

As long as it is recrystallized it should have no problem being stored for a very long time.

holmes1880 - 15-12-2010 at 19:01

I would think so, sure. But I am questioning the difference in structure b/w warm/hot recrystallization methods. There is certainly quite a difference. I once did a newb mistake of warming the pitcher with methanol to 55C as advised, using pot with hot water, but didn't realize the bottom of the pitcher will be hotter than the rest of the methanol mix. Surely enough, quite a bit of ETN melted.....maybe that's what cause the change in structure. Cast ETN to recrystallization, and we have a type of very low density fine crystals.

crazedguy - 15-12-2010 at 19:08

"Much like PETN, ETN is known for having a very long shelf life. Studies that directly observed the crystalline structure saw no signs of decomposition after four years of storage at room temperature." Wiki
For the melting of ETN it melts at 61C witch I think would be no big deal to be at 55C for recrystallization, it decomposes at 160C so it wouldn't change the structure to be at 61C although it would be much more sensitize.

holmes1880 - 15-12-2010 at 20:35

I really don't know. Quicksilver maybe can shine some light on the warm recrystallization.

[Edited on 16-12-2010 by holmes1880]

crazedguy - 15-12-2010 at 21:37

When you precipitate and acidify those fumes are nasty are know what you mean you should filter and wash your or rinse your ETN before recrystallization which should prevent those fumes, unless you get a headache from just MeOH

quicksilver - 16-12-2010 at 07:36

Quote: Originally posted by crazedguy  
"Much like PETN, ETN is known for having a very long shelf life. Studies that directly observed the crystalline structure saw no signs of decomposition after four years of storage at room temperature." Wiki

Be very careful with Wiki and energetic materials.
Wikipedia (The "Encyclopedia the Public Writes Itself") has been so wrong at times it has cost people money who thought they were getting some reviewed source & it was OK to bet on it.*

Find out what "studies" the writer was quoting. I'll not be surprised if there is nothing in notes other than the usual "Federoff, Urbanski" - - if that.
There is VERY little background material on ETN. It simply fell by the wayside due to the expense of the original source materiel for nitration. In that period in history; it simply cost too much to be little more than a lab curiosity & a bone of contention between Nobel and DuPont: it really was not used commercially. It's the commercial use energetics or the deeper research destined to a commercial (or military application) that actually have some serious science behind them.

Many people who can run a good synthesis have found that ETN will have damn good shelf life IF re--crystallized; neutralized of all acid, etc, etc. but that's personal experience for individual to individual; not a peer-reviewed stone-real post Doctoral paper.

My experience with methanol & ETN is similar to that holmes1880 described. Ethanol & methanol are appropriate to re-crystallize ETN. Acetone actually is too strong a solvent.
There is a "family similarity" in some aspects of MHN and ETN. The deepest most people dig is the NOV 20th patent but supposedly Naoum wrote more about it than what he published in his book (pp 237, etc)

* The reason I am commenting on this issue is that THERE REALLY IS VERY LITTLE ON ETN Especially in-depth post-Doc studies & similar MODERN material. There are some folks who are very good at hunting down written, quality background on their hobbies. ETN is basically a "lab explosive" & it did not get near the attention MHN did at any time in the past (at least that was ever public).
ETN is in many aspects, an unknown. Be VERY careful with it. There are areas that chemists have gone with "family" oriented materials that one could extrapolate with some reasonable bit of likelihood however.....explosives blind and mutilate in botched experiments & careless handling. Some of the BEST pyrotechnic and special effects engineers and lost most of their hand(s) or been blinded. Some of the most knowledgeable chemists have had serious tragedies as well.

[Edited on 16-12-2010 by quicksilver]

Rosco Bodine - 16-12-2010 at 08:09

What really annoys me is the volume of pretenders and/or outright idiots who have some sort of compulsion to participate in discussions in science forums as shuck and jivers about all the authoritative "tests", observations and "experiments" which they have done only in their "dreams", and it becomes evident that they have less knowledge than they pretend. It is like some kind of unattainable descent to an apprentice status for them to admit they are a novice and simply to ask about what they do not know, honestly seeking knowledge, and it can make for a lot of confusion and misinformation being exchanged.
I never mind anyone wanting to pick my brain a little about what I may know that they don't know.....but I don't like it when the guy doing the brain pickin' is a plumber who is pretending to be a brain surgeon engaged in fixing inside my head what isn't broken in the first place.

Exhibit A: hot solvent recrystallizations involve a vapor pressure just maybe some sort of pressurization to a controllable and releasable extent might be a plan there.
They put these nifty threaded lids on bottles and jars which can contain a degree of pressure according to how tightly the closure is torqued, and when the pressure exceeds the sealing ability provided by a given torque ....wouldn't you know it magic they leak.

What is just mind boggling to me is how somebody who
has allegedly done so many "tests" with their drop test apparatus ? would be so technically proficient and advanced in that scientific methodology and yet not understand how threaded closures on containers are useful for things like keeping nasty hot methanol vapors inside.

Am I missing something here or is it more like I am getting everything just fine.

holmes1880 - 16-12-2010 at 08:27

Quicksilver is correct in concluding there is a lack of information on ETN. Thank you, quick.

Rosco Bodine - 16-12-2010 at 08:53

On that we can agree. Some charted ETN solubility data for specific solvents and cosolvent systems would be great to have. Maybe some of the pharmaceutical literature would have something listed under one of the medicinal names.

I was looking at a video showing a methanol recrystallization of ETN being done
and the methanol was being heated in a flask on a ringstand on a kitchen stove
over an open gas burner .....indoors of course.....and this video is of a Darwin award contender at work. If you want a dismaying look at reckless stupidity,
here it is in full glory:

Would you want to be the insurer for this *idiot* or for the property there ?

holmes1880 - 16-12-2010 at 09:47

I think, I know the ETN/methanol video you're talking about. There is really only one, by "tooelitetodetermine". I think he just came up with that method on his own, although my first googbook search gave me a simple recrystallization method I use today. As dangerous as it might seem, I think he was rather safe.

Well, give me the worst case scenario of ETN getting past goes liquid and it's mixed with methanol, reducing its sensitivity. Or do you mean like the flask cracking and all that ETN going on the hot stove......;)

Rosco Bodine - 16-12-2010 at 09:51

Explosive vapors from hot methanol are bad enough and there you have a choice of what is worse the inhalation toxicity which is certain, or that being compounded by the ignition and explosion hazard of heating over an open flame.
This is worse than cooking rocket fuel on a is just off the scale dumb.

A hot water bath is the proper tool for heating the solvent container, along with some provision for carrying away the
fumes, and that should be controlled too.

[Edited on 16-12-2010 by Rosco Bodine]

holmes1880 - 16-12-2010 at 09:58

*chuckles* Hot methanol vapors is the worst part about that process. Now, if all those 50ml of methanol and ETN went on the stove, I predict deflagration. However, having that thin-glassed flask around in case of DDT is just spooky. Hundreds of tiny glass shards all over you.

prometheus1970 - 17-12-2010 at 06:07

Another (|possibly dumb) question: isn't the 'synthesis' of ETN really just the nitration of erythritol?

quicksilver - 17-12-2010 at 06:32

Yes. It's not a "dumb" question: as it (terminology) has utility.
However there are really specific reasons why some people widen their descriptors.

Syn·the·sis (snth-ss)
n. pl. syn·the·ses (-sz)
1. Within chemistry;
a. The combining of separate elements or substances to form a coherent whole.
b. The complex whole so formed.
2. Chemistry Formation of a compound from simpler compounds or elements.
3. Philosophy
a. Reasoning from the general to the particular; logical deduction.
b. The combination of thesis and antithesis in the Hegelian dialectical process whereby a new and higher level of truth is produced.

Not all explosive materials are nitrated, nor are they nitric esters. The use of the term imply a "coming into being" "a making". While nitration is common it is by NO means the sum of all methods to produce explosive (or energetic) materials. Often times a simple combination at a given temp (binary) will yield an energetic..... And thus -
"Why use terms such as "synthesis" or "energetic" when terms such as nitration and explosive may describe the same thing?"
Often by widening the methodology the usage standard can fit the application. One "energetic materiel" may be used as both an explosive and as a propellant - so by the usage of the term "energetic" we envelope the whole of it's possible applications. This is done for the reader's sake as he may be reading about the material in a contextual format. The same exists with a synthesis. Remember we don't stop at a nitration to make an energetic materiel. We neutralize, test, re-crystallize, etc. So by utilizing a wider encompassing description we describe what is really taking place. Think about a double base smokeless powder.

Edit: @ Roscoe: yes, I know what your talking about. I have thought that as well.
Often times shit like that makes me fly off the handle. When I was a kid we used to call that "Butt-fuck stupid" because generally the young wastrel couldn't find the correct hole with a compass, road-map, and written directions.
The absolute abominations on uTube with idiots doing things like heating flammable solvents in flame have made my blood pressure rise.

[Edited on 17-12-2010 by quicksilver]

prometheus1970 - 17-12-2010 at 14:33

I see, I was thinking of a nitration as being more like repainting a car rather than redesigning and rebuilding it, quite possibly the result of my limited knowledge of chemistry. I have degrees in psychology and philosophy.. I'm not wholly ignorant, nor unintelligent (not that I felt anyone was implying such) I've learned quite a bit about chemistry in the last couple of years (since I took up an interest in energetics), but I'm learning chemistry from the top down. I'm completely unaware of what your backgrounds are, I don't know if you just aced chemistry in high school, have bachelor's degrees or phd's in chemistry. I'm trying to compensate for my awkward approach to learning chemistry by taking very small steps and doing all the background research I can. I've always been very forthcoming in admitting that by using this forum I'm appealing to those in the know while admitting I'm not (in the know)

quicksilver - 18-12-2010 at 08:06

Don't give it a second thought.

An excellent example is that long discussions go on about the use of acronyms, etc in communications clarity. I'm not sure if it's even important to many others. I had been average / mediocre in everything I did academically & it rarely bothered me that most everyone I've interacted with were brighter, more studious, or generally more successful than I was. Frankly I believe that intellectually, I have less going for me than the majority. But I have a large penis and THAT is important. :P

prometheus1970 - 18-12-2010 at 11:30

most important is to speak softly and carry a BIG DICK!(as long as it's your own)

Rosco Bodine - 18-12-2010 at 12:34

It would seem discussion here is wandering off topic ....


Now that we are on the subject of bluegrass ....

prometheus1970 - 18-12-2010 at 13:09

Back to a question that pertains to realty. Is there any problem with using NaOH solution for neutralizing other than the possibility of over-neutralizing (making basic)? If that is the only problem, wouldn't using a very weak solution solve that problem?

holmes1880 - 18-12-2010 at 22:17

NaOH, from the basic google research results, seems like a bad idea to mix into an ETN makes lots of heat with water. Better to just overdo it with NaHCO3.......worst case scenario your nitrate will have a bit of baking soda in it.

[Edited on 19-12-2010 by holmes1880]

SB15 - 23-12-2010 at 13:17

NaOH can work if added dropwise as a very weak solution - 0.1M is fine. The neutralization reaction with NaOH has the advantage of producing no gaseous products, so it won't foam your product into the sink if there's a good deal of acid left in the wash water. You'll need litmus to determine when the solution is neutral, as there won't be any clear visual indicator.

Yellow liquid precipitation

Hades_Foundation - 14-4-2011 at 01:47

First time nitration of 7.5 g erythritol with 50ml H2SO4 (96%) and 30 g KNO3.
SA and KNO mixed till clear liquid, chilled in icewater bath to <10°C, sugar added while stirring over 30' period. Continued stirring for 20', then left overnight in same water bath.

Mixture was solid next day, adding dH2O produced red nitric fumes, possibly from stuff stuck to the sides and on stirring rod, stopped after swirling. poured in coffee filter, 2 more washes.

Didn't have as much dH2O as I would have liked, and next actions were not so smart.
First step was neutralising the acid; Added dH2O, than NaOH, 4 mol/l :( while stirring. Mix got warmer and got foam on top. Fourth addition went passed neutral straight to pH 13 or 14... :o
Best option I could think of was adding some of the previous water wash. That got it acid again, then added small amounts of NaOH till pH around 6.

Filtered, left on stack of coffee filters to absorp most of the water, then put in beaker and added methanol.
Without quantitative solubility data to go on, and having added a considerable amount of methanol, I turned to acetone. When that didn't have any effect I of course realised I was trying to dissolve salts, not ETN. :(

Cooled the solution, fitered out the salts, then let evaporate for a night to reduce the volume.

Added icecold dH2O, filtered, got a bunch of white semi-transparent flakes. However, on the bottom of the flask was a yellowy mass with crystals in, as if the crystals had half melted.
Dissolved the contents of the flask in a little methanol, then slowly added cold water while swirling contents. When the water turned white from the crystals precipitating, a yellow liquid formed at the bottom.
First thought was Ooow shit, NG! :o

Separated yellow liquid whith eye-dropper.

A tiny amount of the fluid was absorbed in a strip of filter paper. Burnt with yellow flame and some crackles...

put it in a test tube and added water, white crystals formed at the contact surface, separating the two liquids. at the bottom there are some tiny solids floating around.

First theory was: impurities in chemicals, glassware, tools or solvents. Did I spill some glycerin somewhere? Maybe reaction mixture warmed up and developed hotspots after I left it.

Been doing some serious reading last few hours. Flunked chemistry 20 years ago, so it's a steep learning curve.
Came across a pdf:
"The alkaline hydrolysis of nitrate esters" by R.T.M. Fraser

Given the rapid hydrolysis of NG in alkaline medium (k = 0.24 /(M.s) ), and the similarity between NG and ETN a plausible scenario?
That leaves the question of what the liquid is. I know it didn't solidify after a few minutes in ice water, it's soluble in methanol and aceton, not soluble in water.

Don't want to take the risk of examining it further, will dispose of it in a safe way. A lot more learning to do before I experiment with HE again.

quicksilver - 14-4-2011 at 06:59

Yes, you swam way out to sea on your neutralizing procedure. One method to keep it simple and effective is the use of standard commercial ethanol of 95%. The 5 [remaining percentage] will contain enough water to dissolve sodium carbonate (or bicarbonate) and a simple re-crystallization therein will allow the base to enter the crystal as it re-forms. A few washes with a anti-acid before hand and that type of re-crystallization should bring you to a comfortable 7 without going overboard.
Too many variables exist to take a good guess as to the liquid.

SB15 - 14-4-2011 at 09:19

I imagine the yellow liquid was a mixture of lower nitrated forms of Erythritol, resulting from a significant amount of partial esterification.

Your entire process seems really quite absurd, and you should probably do a lot more research before attempting another HE synthesis.

Hades_Foundation - 14-4-2011 at 11:15

Thanx for the tip. :)

@SB15: I know, I had some written notes on the reaction itself but couldn't find the ones about neutralizing and recrystallizing. So I improvised, based on experience with some other reactions. Should have gone back to check. (don't have a pc there).
With less sensitive chemicals one can overshoot neutral with few consequences, and simply boil off excess solvent. Realised a bit late that that wasn't an option ...

Lot's of mistakes, I know. But no point in posting if I embellish the truth. :)

For those interested: The pdf I mentioned: The Alkaline Hydrolysis of Nitrate Esters

CZip - 20-4-2011 at 23:22

i have few experiences with ETN.
Recrystalization is made from methanol - on magnetic stirrer, quick cooling => nice crystals, but is little bit more sensitive, than i want. So i was thinking abaut flegmatisation. Other explosives, like PETN or RDX can be flegmatized with some wax (parafine, or even with DNT), pressing is easier and safer. But, what can we use for ETN? DNT is impossible because of low melting point of ETN, wax maybe better...
Do you have any experiences?

quicksilver - 21-4-2011 at 06:11

I certainly agree that ETN is extremely sensitive & has some similarities to MHN: it IS potentially extremely dangerous. Made correctly, it possesses some of the highest levels of sensitivity of any solid secondary. To desensitize (from an industrial perspective) you are on the right track with wax. That could work provided you used a very refined Bee's wax that had a very low MP. The major challenge would be to use the appropriate amount (not too much or too little) & to coat the material as completely as possible.
Castor Oil has been used as a phemitizer (Cheddites) with success but the "run off" is not desirable. Perhaps the best overall method would be to develop a plastique as it provides a degree of container development in addition to protection from many stimuli. The wax ratio that had been used in RDX was a 1:7 level - I believe that may be a good place to start for ETN as well.
With commercial MHN the agenda was to avoid and "snap cap" or pressure top (cork) friction containers, static electrical discharge, etc. If you use a screw top, coat the threads with Teflon tape and don't put the lid on tight.
I would add that you could reduce crystal size by using a temperature swing (from hot to cold) when re-crystallizing: smaller crystals are easier to work with for this agenda. Methanol works very well but there is often some product lost in the alcohol itself, so drowning as a re-crystallization procedure will get your full yield back. I believe you're on the right track w/ wax. That is what I would start with if I wanted to maintain a particulate material. A solid (as in PBX or plastique) would certainly affect this issue in a positive direction however.

Please see patents on "PBX" via a search. There is a great deal of valuable information on this issue as a whole.

[Edited on 21-4-2011 by quicksilver]

Recrystallisation with Ethanol

mabuse_ - 21-5-2011 at 06:39

Hi there.

When i did my last ETN experiment, I was not satisfied with the products apperance. I had dissolved it in denatured ethanol and then crashed it into cold water.
The product had a very low density, like little snowflakes, and got airborne anytime I worked with it, contaminating erverything.
Have you ever used Eckart bright flake aluminium? Just like that.

Now I recrystalised a batch of ETN by slowly cooling down a saturated solution in denatured ethanol.
Because I didn't have enough ethanol ready and a small amount of ETN had not dissolved I added about 5% Acetone.

Upon cooling it developed small needles... When you touch it, it feels like hair, even stings a little.
I haven't compared sensitivity yet.
Density is MUCH bigger.

I whould prefer some sqared crystals over the long needles, who are still annoying to work with. I want table sugar!
Using Methanol is out of question, it's hard to get here for private people due to it's toxicity.

I thought about stirring the solution while cooling down, keeping the stuff in motion.

Do you have any idea how to prevent needles forming?

[Edited on 21-5-2011 by mabuse_]

[Edited on 21-5-2011 by mabuse_]

holmes1880 - 21-5-2011 at 08:09

Like quicksilver said, do not warm up your methanol/ethanol, but simply use larger quantity of it. I wouldn't shy using 300-400ml per 20grams of product, it dissolves fast and the result are small ETN scale-like plates that are easy to shave. There won't be any needles- those needles start coming up with hot recrystallization that you're doing.

[Edited on 21-5-2011 by holmes1880]

Motherload - 18-6-2013 at 18:37

Alright ... I got impatient and having a tough time now.
I was all out of MeOH and wanted to re-crystallize some ETN.
So I tried some Acetone. Well to my surprise I had about 70+ grams of ETN dissolved in about 150 ml of Acetone. Wow.
So I proceed to add some 500 ml warm carb and urea solution to the ETN solution after filtering..
And the mix turns milky. Great it's ppting out ... I thought.
Well ... When I stopped stirring I noticed a separate phase on the bottom.
I am assuming this I a saturated solution of Acetone and ETN since it appears to be close to the original volume of Acetone used.

I do have the flask sitting in a 50*C bath with stirring hoping to evaporate the Acetone off and form crystals in the carb urea solution.

How do I separate it out ?

Well driving off the Acetone seems to work .... I see crystals again.
However .... They are not needles or plates. They seem to be cubic and dense clusters.
Won't know for sure till I dry them.

[Edited on 19-6-2013 by Motherload]

Ok ... The crystals are somewhat dry. They resemble NaCl crystals .... They are not fluffy at all.
Anyone know about this crystal structure ?

[Edited on 19-6-2013 by Motherload]

Peroksit - 21-6-2013 at 09:42

ETN vs Mannitol Hexanitrate
Which one have better stabilty than other ? ( which one is more sensitive impack and friction ? ) I guess M.Hexanitrate is more sensivitiy than ETN but I read it is more stable than etn :S

[Edited on 21-6-2013 by gamez34]

Motherload - 11-7-2013 at 23:22

I took a pic of acetone only recrystalised ETN at 10X

[Edited on 12-7-2013 by Motherload]

image.jpg - 160kB

dangerous amateur - 12-7-2013 at 11:38


considering the neutralisation issue, is it necessary to use NaHCO3 ect. ?

Ethanol is not a very good solvent, hence you have very much of it to dissolve the acid (enough?).

Also when first crashing the acid/ETN slurry in water, why not just use a very large vessel for the procedure, so that the acid gets dilluted to a large extent?

I dont advertise the waste of precious drinking water, but considering that this is an expensive hobby tap water is dirt cheap.

Ral123 - 12-7-2013 at 11:43

Wait, there's difference in tap water and drinking water? For final recrystalizations, I'd suggest only distilled water. For organic peroxides only distilled, or if it's not available, deionized water.

dangerous amateur - 12-7-2013 at 13:38


Wait, there's difference in tap water and drinking water?

Where I live there is no difference;)

But i had nothing in mind to use two different words for it.

Bot0nist - 12-7-2013 at 17:54

Neutralization and stabilization are huge issues with nitric esters. The great thing about using commercial "drinking" EtOH (95%) for a recrystallization is that the 5% or so of water allows a bit of carbonate to go into solution with the dissolved ETN, and thus is crystallized into the ETN, allowing more assured stability over time. I believe Quicksilver mentioned this up thread. Golden Grain, or Everclear (brands of 95% EtOH for consumption) are very common here in the states, and very convenient for this, in my opinion.

golfpro - 10-11-2013 at 12:50

I've been experimenting a bit (had some free time today) with a different way of making ETN using anhydrous Nitric acid so as to hopefully make the procedure a bit more scaleable. I tried dissolving 35g of Erythritol in 100ml of Sulfuric acid not letting the temp rise above 40*C, then cooling this back down to 25*C, while slowly adding 70ml RFNA over about 15 minutes with stirring, not letting the mixture go above 35*C, after this is all added, stirred for 10 minutes and then slowly cooled down to 10*C then poured into 600ml Cold water. Theoretical yield is around 85g, I haven't weighed it yet but it looks to be about 30-40g. Next time I will try this with adding the sulfuric acid/E mixture to Nitric acid and taking more time, I also am wondering if the Erythritol not being finely powdered had anything to do with it, using stoichiometric amounts of HNO3 for Eryrhtiol, I think excess of HNO3 would give much better yield, but that would defeat the purpose.

As for recrystalization, one thing I have been seeing is while trying to dissolve all ETN in ethanol, it looks like ETN melts and settles out in the bottom as a milky/waxy liquid in the solvent, but the thermometer reads 55*C? (MP of ETN is 61*C)

Fantasma4500 - 21-1-2014 at 13:58

i just wonder what the specific solubility would be for ETN

also for ETN dissolved in acetone then evaporated off.. adding abit of NH4OH should do the trick..? then let it evaporate off and if desire for more pure product rather than just ETN with great density water could be poured over it then be re-evaporated from acetone
H2SO4 + NH4OH > (NH4)2SO4
which will obviously be safer to dissolve away rather than attempt to thermally decompose

if anyone really cares about it, (NH4)2SO4 shouldnt be the worst of all impurities as it is capable of being part of a detonation, not yielding much if any real power, but its one of the good impurities out there

Ral123 - 21-1-2014 at 14:22

I'm not sure if the acidity of the sulphate is desirable. It may give tiny amounts of bisulphate and nitrite, and some nitric esters don't stay too stable in water and acidity(nitrite will give off water). I've been neutralising with dilute ammonia and had no problems whatsoever so far. Not sure how is magnesium carbonate for a stabilizer. Looks very gentle compound.

Motherload - 22-1-2014 at 01:07

I dissolved damp ETN in acetone with some NaHCO3.
Once dissolved .... It was filtered, diluted with some NaHCO3 and urea solution in water.
And then to drop ETN out of solution .... I simply leave the dish at 40-45*C and stirring to evaporate the Acetone.
I end up with ETN slush in water.

Fantasma4500 - 22-1-2014 at 07:56

why not just dump it in a large surface glass pan to evaporate near a window? acetone has a quite low boiling point and evaporates very quickly
it can be made to evaporate even faster if you suck all the water out of the ETN first by folding filter or cloth in half, thereafter applying tissue paper or similar to suck out water

however, isnt it hard / near impossible to dissolve NaHCO3 in acetone?

Motherload - 22-1-2014 at 10:29

There is enough water in the acetone (~5%) and my damp ETN to keep some dissolved. Majority of it isn't dissolved. But definitely produces fizzing.
The only reason I evaporate acetone in water is to keep water soluble inpurities out of my ETN. Also the crystals form much slower and are denser.

underground - 22-1-2014 at 16:22

I just dissolve my ETN in acetone, filter it with a coffe filter, and trop it into a small bucket of water. I just then filter it again and it is done!!

Dornier 335A - 23-1-2014 at 08:06

I'm not sure that's such a good way to purify it underground. The idea behind recrystallization is that the slowly forming crystals will exclude everything else. The crystals are purer than the solution. When you pour it directly into water, the crystals form so quickly they might encase all the impurities again.

Fantasma4500 - 23-1-2014 at 12:53

nah, dornier.. its so dilute that it basically wont matter, however for absolutely safetly recrystallizing it in water with abit of NH4OH would be the best way to do it
EtOH dissolved ETN dumped in water to be recrystallized is seen as being perfectly pure, however im very worried about having caustic NaHCO3 with the ETN, why not use NH4OH??

Motherload - 23-1-2014 at 21:50

The Bicarbonate gives me a visual indicator and doesn't smell.
If I were to use NH4OH to neutralize the ETN .... Then there is a possibility of acidic (NH4)2SO4 to be trapped with the ETN.. Lol

Fantasma4500 - 24-1-2014 at 13:44

question is... would it be better to have acidic or basic stuck in it??
Na2SO4 would be acidic anyways wouldnt it?
the best for purity would be ethanol recrystallization, but 50 mL acetone can dissolve probably even more than 10g ETN where 200 mL hot ethanol will dissolve 10g ETN

Motherload - 24-1-2014 at 15:29

Ethanol is very expensive for me and hard to come by.
That's why I use acetone.
Na2SO4 is a neutral salt

markx - 27-1-2014 at 10:09

Invest in a decent fractionating distillation setup and have your own supply of EtOH.....that's the way I do it. No problems with solvent shortage, not to mention the endless supply for creating all kinds of barbaric herbal infusions for oral intake ;)

Rogeryermaw - 25-5-2014 at 17:36

i nitrated about 9.5 grams of erythritol this morning. using 30 ml of >90% nitric acid (distilled last weekend) in 60 ml of 98% sulfuric acid cooled in ice bath and slow addition of the erythritol. i let the reaction proceed for 40 minutes keeping temp between 10C and 20C. after the 40 minutes i let the mixture slowly heat up until NOx fumes began to appear. when the reaction mixture reached about 58C i cooled the beaker and then crashed.

the etn was already formed and the increased temp fused the mass of crystals as it cooled in water. broke up the mass, neutralized with conc. NaHCO3 and dried. crushed the slightly yellowish mass into powder, neutralized again and dissolved in the minimum amount of methanol. heating over a hot water bath, i reduced the solution beyond the saturation point, and, disturbing the liquid, it became a thick slush of etn crystals slightly wet with methanol. i emptied this mass into a buchner funnel, washed again with a final 15 ml portion of water and dried with vacuum filtration. all traces of yellow are gone. final product is snow white and like corn starch in consistency.

final mass weighed in at 10.4 grams not including the portions removed for testing and losses from cleaning and recrystallization.

a 100 mg mass pressed tightly into heavy foil confinement detonates with great force on heating. ears rang for 15 minutes...

markx - 25-5-2014 at 22:42

Quote: Originally posted by Rogeryermaw  
i nitrated about 9.5 grams of erythritol this morning. using 30 ml of >90% nitric acid (distilled last weekend) in 60 ml of 98% sulfuric acid cooled in ice bath and slow addition of the erythritol. i let the reaction proceed for 40 minutes keeping temp between 10C and 20C. after the 40 minutes i let the mixture slowly heat up until NOx fumes began to appear. when the reaction mixture reached about 58C i cooled the beaker and then crashed.

the etn was already formed and the increased temp fused the mass of crystals as it cooled in water. broke up the mass, neutralized with conc. NaHCO3 and dried. crushed the slightly yellowish mass into powder, neutralized again and dissolved in the minimum amount of methanol. heating over a hot water bath, i reduced the solution beyond the saturation point, and, disturbing the liquid, it became a thick slush of etn crystals slightly wet with methanol. i emptied this mass into a buchner funnel, washed again with a final 15 ml portion of water and dried with vacuum filtration. all traces of yellow are gone. final product is snow white and like corn starch in consistency.

final mass weighed in at 10.4 grams not including the portions removed for testing and losses from cleaning and recrystallization.

a 100 mg mass pressed tightly into heavy foil confinement detonates with great force on heating. ears rang for 15 minutes...

Could you elaborate on the purpose of heating up the nitrator contents to 58C? This seems awful high and a very possibly dangerous region of temperature for this type of reaction. As you described yourself the mass had fused together due to the temperature being close to the melting point of the product.
Also as a side note...the use of highly concentrated nitric acid is not a must in ETN mixed acid nitration. The regular 68% azeotrope will do just fine and give a similar yield.

Rogeryermaw - 25-5-2014 at 23:03

ah but i had conc. HNO3 on hand and do not have lab grade at my disposal. i prefer to use it as is instead of diluting it. adding water to nitric that strong is exothermic and causes some degradation of the acid.

i allowed the mixture to heat up because of some failed nitrations in the past. dousing too early or running the reaction at too low a temperature has (in my experience) caused a lot of lower nitrated products and incomplete reactions. as a safety measure, i always keep a bucket of ice water handy directly below my reaction vessel. if things get out of hand or i can't cool the reaction fast enough, a quick swat will dump the entire mess into ice water, quenching things immediately. that measure has saved me more than once.

markx - 25-5-2014 at 23:30

Ah, I see...the causes for things always tend to be unnervingly trivial :D Since you have highly concentrated nitric at hand, why not use a nitric acid only route for obtaining of ETN and skip the sulfuric component entirely. I trust it will give a far superior yield similar to the case with PETN. Also I would advise against repeating the high temperature synthesis method that you practiced....there must be a better way to obtain a decent yield with mixed acid method if you choose to use this one. A different ratio of acids is a starting point. Perhaps the failed syntheses from the past were due to using too concentrated acids? With PETN nitration there is an established undestanding that a certain amount of water in the nitration mix is essential to the reaction mechanism and without it (in case of highly concentrated acids) the reaction rate drops dramatically.

Please find the articles attached:

Attachment: ETN Paper accepted PEP.pdf (806kB)
This file has been downloaded 1071 times

Attachment: Nitration of pentaerythritol by HNO3-H2SO4-H2O system .pdf (1.2MB)
This file has been downloaded 1055 times

Rogeryermaw - 26-5-2014 at 08:03

<1 gram initiated by 3 mg lead styphnate fired electrically.

[Edited on 26-5-2014 by Rogeryermaw]

Zyklon-A - 26-5-2014 at 08:09

Quote: Originally posted by Rogeryermaw  
ah but i had conc. HNO3 on hand and do not have lab grade at my disposal. i prefer to use it as is instead of diluting it.

I assume by "conc." you mean fuming, and by "lab grade" you mean conc.? (Conc. = ~68%, fuming =>86%.)

Rogeryermaw - 26-5-2014 at 08:15

geez...could that have been of worse quality? i'll work on a better one today.

yes you assume correctly, zyklon.

you can hear in the background, my son enjoyed the demonstration.

[Edited on 26-5-2014 by Rogeryermaw]

Rogeryermaw - 26-5-2014 at 13:49

5 gram charge primed with 500 mg 50/50 etn w/ lead styphnate. better quality anyway...

ya i'm barefoot..what?

[Edited on 26-5-2014 by Rogeryermaw]

Grantr - 13-12-2015 at 16:53

I have been experimenting with recrystallizing ETN with 91 percent isopropyl alcohol. My goal it's to get very low density crystals. I bring the alcohol up to 58c and start adding the ETN and stir it in. Once all is dissolved I dump into about a gallon of ice water which is swirling when the ETN solution is poured in.

This leaves a very nice clear crystal with platlet shape. Unfortunately the crystals are to dense to be set off by my spark gap detonator.

I follow the same steps with denatured alcohol and it produces a fine light powder that does work with the spark gap.

Why does the isopropyl give a Different structure form the denatured? Is there a way to get lighter finer crystals using isopropyl? I want to use it because it's half the cost of denatured.

Hennig Brand - 14-12-2015 at 12:22

I can think of some possible solutions involving more complicated apparatus, but a simple immediate solution might be to use smaller volumes (break it into batches) and ensure the dilution is as fast as possible with extremely vigorous stirring. I am assuming that greater stirring/agitation and faster dilution would be beneficial here.

Grantr - 14-12-2015 at 14:23


The batch is small. 300ml of ETN solution into a gallon of ice water. I can use a mixer to better agitate the ice water while pouring.

Brightthermite - 16-8-2020 at 20:37

Using 50 mL of acetone, I dissolved what I estimate to be 22 ish grams of dry ETN. The ETN was still wet after vacuum filtering when dissolved in the acetone and I made the mistake of not weighing it. I would estimate it was at least 30 grams of material including water. Can anyone explain what this separation is? Maybe the ETN saturated acetone separates from the water? I do not see how there could have been 50 mL of water in my vacuum dried ETN.

IMG_0544.JPG - 1.9MB

B(a)P - 17-8-2020 at 01:38

Quote: Originally posted by Brightthermite  
Using 50 mL of acetone, I dissolved what I estimate to be 22 ish grams of dry ETN. The ETN was still wet after vacuum filtering when dissolved in the acetone and I made the mistake of not weighing it. I would estimate it was at least 30 grams of material including water. Can anyone explain what this separation is? Maybe the ETN saturated acetone separates from the water? I do not see how there could have been 50 mL of water in my vacuum dried ETN.

You have added 50 ml of acetone to 22 g of ETN, how do you have a total volume of over 100 ml? Was anything else added? 50 ml of acetone plus 30 g of wet ETN should be less than 80 ml in volume.....

Edit - maybe you had 60 g of wet ETN?

[Edited on 17-8-2020 by B(a)P]

Brightthermite - 17-8-2020 at 11:37

Quote: Originally posted by B(a)P  
Quote: Originally posted by Brightthermite  
Using 50 mL of acetone, I dissolved what I estimate to be 22 ish grams of dry ETN. The ETN was still wet after vacuum filtering when dissolved in the acetone and I made the mistake of not weighing it. I would estimate it was at least 30 grams of material including water. Can anyone explain what this separation is? Maybe the ETN saturated acetone separates from the water? I do not see how there could have been 50 mL of water in my vacuum dried ETN.

You have added 50 ml of acetone to 22 g of ETN, how do you have a total volume of over 100 ml? Was anything else added? 50 ml of acetone plus 30 g of wet ETN should be less than 80 ml in volume.....

Edit - maybe you had 60 g of wet ETN?

[Edited on 17-8-2020 by B(a)P]

I guess there was much more water in it then I estimated. Still though that is a huge volume change. Interestingly enough I decided not to crash in water and just dumped the solution into a dish to evaporate. It evaporated very fast and only left the ETN damp with water. Acetone and water azeotrope evaporated most of the water away?

aromaticfanatic - 23-8-2020 at 03:30

I've used methanol everytime. Yield is sometimes off by a lot. Not sure why and sometimes it forms bubbled up hollow spheres than crystals. Not sure why.

Also a nice tip I discovered which may be a little risky is to dump your ETN in the acid mix into a smaller amount of water all at once with no stirring initially. It favors larger crystal size which filters wayyyy faster and makes it less likely for the filter paper to be eaten apart due to being in contact with acids for a long time. After that wash with lots of baking soda solution and recrystallize with a pinch of baking soda into the solvent. Make sure to stir and try to get rid of as much trapped acids as possible. Stabilize with baking soda and urea.

foreign maple - 23-8-2020 at 09:18

yes MeOH will work for recrystallization but you need to heat it to desolve the ETN.
I believe that 115ml of MeOH will desolve 10g of ETN at room temp.
i would reccomend heating up your MeOH to 35-45C and crash your ETN solution into a water bath that is 5c.:)

aromaticfanatic - 23-8-2020 at 21:18

Yup the heating is a good idea. Just use a hot water bath and don't use a hot plate near it. Not worth risking the detonation if it catches fire. There is a thread on this exact thing happening. Don't be the person to make another post on that thread.

foreign maple - 24-8-2020 at 16:08

You are right. Please use a hot water bath or something to heat your MeOH not direct heat of flame that is just asking for a bad day.

Herr Haber - 25-8-2020 at 13:35

Quote: Originally posted by aromaticfanatic  

Also a nice tip I discovered which may be a little risky is to dump your ETN in the acid mix into a smaller amount of water all at once with no stirring initially. It favors larger crystal size which filters wayyyy faster and makes it less likely for the filter paper to be eaten apart due to being in contact with acids for a long time.

Dumping the nitration mixture in too little water seems a perfect way to lose product by local overheating.
It does not promote larger crystal size as they are already formed when you drown it.
Water will dilute the acid to the extent it wont be a problem for paper if you use enough of it !

aromaticfanatic - 25-8-2020 at 15:28

Quote: Originally posted by Herr Haber  
Quote: Originally posted by aromaticfanatic  

Also a nice tip I discovered which may be a little risky is to dump your ETN in the acid mix into a smaller amount of water all at once with no stirring initially. It favors larger crystal size which filters wayyyy faster and makes it less likely for the filter paper to be eaten apart due to being in contact with acids for a long time.

Dumping the nitration mixture in too little water seems a perfect way to lose product by local overheating.
It does not promote larger crystal size as they are already formed when you drown it.
Water will dilute the acid to the extent it wont be a problem for paper if you use enough of it !

? how would overheating be an issue? As long as nothing boils, you can just let it cool. With good stirring decomposition is negligible. In my experience I still got pretty good yields using this method.

The crystal size is formed during dumping and you can change the crystal size using different conditions. It changes crystals size or at least density. In my experience the crystal size was definitely changed. The crystals were much larger during the small water amount dumping. In the large water dumping I got very fine crystals.

Also you do use the water to make things less acidic but the main reason you dump the nitration mix in to water is to precipitate the ETN as it is much less soluble in water than in concentrated acids. Whenever I used the large crystal method, the initial dumping is just for crystal size. Afterwards I dump that water amount into larger amounts of water to dilute it for filtering.

[Edited on 25-8-2020 by aromaticfanatic]

B(a)P - 25-8-2020 at 16:03

I have not tested it, but I always assumed you get a higher purity product by using more water in the initial drowning. If you use less water the acid is more concentrated. If the crystals are larger as you say, then surely they are holding onto more acid? In my opinion the less acid you are removing in your neutralisation/recrystallisation the better.
@aromaticfanatic do you need more than one recrystallisation for your ETN?

Metacelsus - 26-8-2020 at 04:40

Quote: Originally posted by aromaticfanatic  
Yup the heating is a good idea. Just use a hot water bath and don't use a hot plate near it. Not worth risking the detonation if it catches fire. There is a thread on this exact thing happening. Don't be the person to make another post on that thread.

In case people were wondering, here is the thread in question:

aromaticfanatic - 26-8-2020 at 09:15

Quote: Originally posted by B(a)P  
I have not tested it, but I always assumed you get a higher purity product by using more water in the initial drowning. If you use less water the acid is more concentrated. If the crystals are larger as you say, then surely they are holding onto more acid? In my opinion the less acid you are removing in your neutralisation/recrystallisation the better.
@aromaticfanatic do you need more than one recrystallisation for your ETN?

Yea it does hold on to more acid which is why it's a little riskier since it's more sensitive. I recrystallize once or twice using baking soda. You can't count the acid dumping as a proper recrystallization.

But yes you're right, the purity is less but filtering is quicker.

Brightthermite - 26-8-2020 at 09:49

I have to agree I have never heard of the crystals being formed upon addition to water, or that ETN was very soluble in acid baths. And as Herr Haber said, I have lost product by trying to use small amounts of water in a pipette to clean the sides of my reaction beaker. The water quickly shoots up to a temperature that will burn skin, not good for the ETN yields. Your acid purity may play a part as to why you do not have this issue. When I use drain cleaner I never get a temp spike like this, only with lab grade.

As far as the danger of leaving acid in your product, it has only ever made my ETN harder to initiation and weaker. It kills the shelf life to around 20 days, the ETN will literally just disappear as it is destroyed.

Herr Haber - 26-8-2020 at 10:35

Quote: Originally posted by aromaticfanatic  
Quote: Originally posted by aromaticfanatic  

Also a nice tip I discovered which may be a little risky is to dump your ETN in the acid mix into a smaller amount of water all at once with no stirring initially. It favors larger crystal size which filters wayyyy faster and makes it less likely for the filter paper to be eaten apart due to being in contact with acids for a long time.

? how would overheating be an issue? As long as nothing boils, you can just let it cool. With good stirring decomposition is negligible. In my experience I still got pretty good yields using this method.

The crystal size is formed during dumping and you can change the crystal size using different conditions. It changes crystals size or at least density. In my experience the crystal size was definitely changed. The crystals were much larger during the small water amount dumping. In the large water dumping I got very fine crystals.

Also you do use the water to make things less acidic but the main reason you dump the nitration mix in to water is to precipitate the ETN as it is much less soluble in water than in concentrated acids. Whenever I used the large crystal method, the initial dumping is just for crystal size. Afterwards I dump that water amount into larger amounts of water to dilute it for filtering.

[Edited on 25-8-2020 by aromaticfanatic]

So is it with or without stirring ?
Because without stirring you are losing product for sure.
I'm pretty sure these are crystals in the slurry prior to drowning.
But since you are going to recrystallize in the next few minutes, why would you care about their size and shape at that point ?

Just get your solvent and prefered base to neutralize the acids and get you the crystal size you're after, filter, dry, weight.

aromaticfanatic - 26-8-2020 at 12:08

Quote: Originally posted by Herr Haber  
Quote: Originally posted by aromaticfanatic  
Quote: Originally posted by aromaticfanatic  

Also a nice tip I discovered which may be a little risky is to dump your ETN in the acid mix into a smaller amount of water all at once with no stirring initially. It favors larger crystal size which filters wayyyy faster and makes it less likely for the filter paper to be eaten apart due to being in contact with acids for a long time.

? how would overheating be an issue? As long as nothing boils, you can just let it cool. With good stirring decomposition is negligible. In my experience I still got pretty good yields using this method.

The crystal size is formed during dumping and you can change the crystal size using different conditions. It changes crystals size or at least density. In my experience the crystal size was definitely changed. The crystals were much larger during the small water amount dumping. In the large water dumping I got very fine crystals.

Also you do use the water to make things less acidic but the main reason you dump the nitration mix in to water is to precipitate the ETN as it is much less soluble in water than in concentrated acids. Whenever I used the large crystal method, the initial dumping is just for crystal size. Afterwards I dump that water amount into larger amounts of water to dilute it for filtering.

[Edited on 25-8-2020 by aromaticfanatic]

So is it with or without stirring ?
Because without stirring you are losing product for sure.
I'm pretty sure these are crystals in the slurry prior to drowning.
But since you are going to recrystallize in the next few minutes, why would you care about their size and shape at that point ?

Just get your solvent and prefered base to neutralize the acids and get you the crystal size you're after, filter, dry, weight.

No it's with stirring. And I thought the ETN is still soluble in the acids up to a point. I had ETN crystallize out once using KNO3 after the sulfate/metabisulfate salt kicked ETN out of solution all at once. It caused a large temperature spike. I've had no issues so far. I use cold water and stir the water right before addition and dump it. I've gotten 70% yields using NH4NO3 and drain cleaner. I was only able to reach a max of around 40% yield using lab grade 98% sulfuric acid (I also tried drain cleaner and there isn't much of a difference) and KNO3.

I use the larger crystal size for quicker filtering which I mentioned earlier. If I dump into a large amount of water, it forms very fine crystals which clog up the filter and take ages to filter. The larger crystals filter much quicker.

Brightthermite - 26-8-2020 at 14:40

No it's with stirring. And I thought the ETN is still soluble in the acids up to a point. I had ETN crystallize out once using KNO3 after the sulfate/metabisulfate salt kicked ETN out of solution all at once. It caused a large temperature spike. I've had no issues so far. I use cold water and stir the water right before addition and dump it. I've gotten 70% yields using NH4NO3 and drain cleaner. I was only able to reach a max of around 40% yield using lab grade 98% sulfuric acid (I also tried drain cleaner and there isn't much of a difference) and KNO3.

I use the larger crystal size for quicker filtering which I mentioned earlier. If I dump into a large amount of water, it forms very fine crystals which clog up the filter and take ages to filter. The larger crystals filter much quicker. [/rquote]

May I ask you method of synthesis and what kind of drain cleaner? My ETN using lab grade is light-years different in both color and performance.

aromaticfanatic - 26-8-2020 at 15:04

Quote: Originally posted by Brightthermite  

No it's with stirring. And I thought the ETN is still soluble in the acids up to a point. I had ETN crystallize out once using KNO3 after the sulfate/metabisulfate salt kicked ETN out of solution all at once. It caused a large temperature spike. I've had no issues so far. I use cold water and stir the water right before addition and dump it. I've gotten 70% yields using NH4NO3 and drain cleaner. I was only able to reach a max of around 40% yield using lab grade 98% sulfuric acid (I also tried drain cleaner and there isn't much of a difference) and KNO3.

I use the larger crystal size for quicker filtering which I mentioned earlier. If I dump into a large amount of water, it forms very fine crystals which clog up the filter and take ages to filter. The larger crystals filter much quicker. [/rquote]

May I ask you method of synthesis and what kind of drain cleaner? My ETN using lab grade is light-years different in both color and performance.

Yea sure thing. My ETN synthesis took me a few months to get right which just turned out to be KNO3's fault.

I use 15g erythrtiol, 60-70g NH4NO3, and 100-120mL of H2SO4.
I add the nitrate salt to the acid and keep temp below 30-40C. Then once completely dissolved, I chill the mixed acids down to around 3-5C. I begin slow additions with lots of stirring and keep the temp at 5-8C. Additions take around 30 minutes to an hour. Then I let it stir for 20 minutes at ice bath temps (0-8C). I raise the temp to 15C for around 30 minutes and then up to 20C for another 30 minutes. I crash it into around 250-400mL of ice cold water with lots of stirring. Then I dilute it further with around 1-2 liters of water. Filter, wash with water, wash with bicarb solution, wash with water and then I let it dry. I get around 23 grams that way once completely dry. For some reason I tend to lose a lot of product during recrystallization even though it's already reasonably pure ETN. I'd expect to lose 5 grams max but I sometimes lose up to half of my product. I never bothered to figure out why.

I recrystallize by adding the ETN into warm methanol (yellow HEET bottle methanol) and then I hot filter if there is some stuff that won't dissolve and then I dump into cold water with stirring.

Oh yea and the drain cleaner is this drain cleaner:

It's 93% and gives good ETN. I save my good lab grade acid for more important and pickier synthesis but I'm sure I can get even better yields using the 98% acid since there is less water to push the equillibrium to the left.

[Edited on 26-8-2020 by aromaticfanatic]

Fyndium - 30-9-2020 at 00:28

Regarding the recrystallization process, did I understood correct that the product is dissolved in minimum amount of rt solvent and then dumped in water to precipitate out fine crystals? Could the water be basified with amount of sodium carbonate to neutralize any residual acids?

The recrystallization in other circumstances is done with using steep solubility curve solvent by dissolving in minimum amount of boiling solvent and then cooling to precipitate. It appears to be not the case in this context. Shouldn't acetone do fine then, because it is as well miscible with water as alcohols?

Herr Haber - 30-9-2020 at 04:43

Yes, you understood correctly.
Browsing the forum you'll find people use sodium carbonate, bicarbonate, ammonia to neutralize the acids. I dont believe someone demonstrated one base is better than the others.
Some people suggested using the leftover water after filtering the crude product to dissolve your favorite base while at the same time dissolving the ETN in solvent.
Doing both cant hurt.

Recrystallizing in the solvent without dumping in water should only be done when all acids are removed to modify cristal size / form.
Acetone is fine despite a lot of people saying it isnt.

Brightthermite - 30-9-2020 at 13:26

I add my base of choice directly to the dissolved ETN/acetone solution for neutralization and have great results with this. Herr Haber, have you had any experience with acetone separating like in my perversely posted picture?

Microtek - 30-9-2020 at 22:05

Esterifications like this O-nitration of erythritol are equilibrium reactions, so adding water (one of the products of the reaction) to the mix will begin to decompose the product and reform the reactants. By keeping the temperature as low as possible during the dilution step of the process you can keep the rate of the reverse reaction very low and thus ensure that as little of the product as possible is lost. For this reason, nitric esters should never be kept in an aqueous environment with low pH for extended periods of time. If the pH is neutral, the reaction is not catalysed, so the rate is very low.

Herr Haber - 1-10-2020 at 03:15

Nope, nothing of that extent. I dont really remember as that was a long time ago but might have seen a blob remaining at the bottom trapping a little bit of NaHCO3.
I have very little to add to your guesses / theories. They're sound and I dont see how you could underestimate the volume of water still present by that much ( around 50ml in a total of 100ml right?).

In your shoes I would try the synth again without changing other parameters, filter, wash and dry the crude product before dissolving in acetone to see if there's any difference.
Also, I dont know how big your big beakers or containers are but I would not hesitate to use much more acetone than needed (more than what litterature tells) and crash it into much more water than needed again.
This should give you a very fluffly and light product very different from the table sugar most people aim for but it certainly has it's uses.

Brightthermite - 2-10-2020 at 17:42

Thank you for the advice, I believe I will do just that. The batch of ETN I had the acetone trouble I kept an eye on. I suspected it was not neutralized, so I put a small sample in a clear sealed tube and came back a week or so later to the tube full of orange gas. This batch I did not crash into water, I added my base directly to the acetone and allowed it to evaporate to recover my product. Some times I am to actually hear the base and acid neutralize, this run I was not able too. My question: what signs do you all use in order to insure neutralization? Look for visible bubbles, pH paper?

Herr Haber - 3-10-2020 at 09:03

You did nothing useful by letting the acetone evaporate except trap the acids again and the newly formed salts from the base which adds an extra unknown element in the behaviour of your product.
In this field, that's called playing with your life.

Dissolve in the solvent, crash in water where you have dissolved NaHCO3. "Tweaks" such as adding the base directly to the solvent with the leftover water from filtering the crude product should only be a last resort / reserved for a time when you have more experience. They add their own problems anyway.

If you're afraid there are still occluded acids you can just repeat the procedure. The solvent is easy to find & cheap, the product doesnt dissolve in water. These are ideal conditions for you to practice.
Think how your questions would apply to picric acid ;)

Brightthermite - 3-10-2020 at 18:07

I had not even considered the new salts that would form, insightful observation. I dont really understand why you cannot neutralize directly in the solvent. Its my understanding that once you wash all the acid off the surface of your product, all that is left is the acid trapped within the products actual structure. So if the ETN is completely dissolved in a solvent that should release trapped acid and leave a solvent/acid mix. Why can this not be neutralized directly?

Herr Haber - 4-10-2020 at 05:35

It is of importance since those salts may sensitize or desensitize the EM. They might also be acidic and still ruin your batch, depress the fusion point etc.

You cant say reliably how much acid and how much water there is in your crude product (your original posts illustrates this quite well).
Is there really enough water to fully dissolve your base ? Where are the salts going to go if not water ? Wont a concentrated hot base partially hydrolize your product ?

Thoroughly washing the crude product shouldnt be an issue you're right. Acid loves water and it should be all gone if after filtering you wash your product with clean tap water.
But what's "thorough"? Is using the acidic crash water enough (hell no) or should you wash a couple of times with cold tap water. And... really, what's thorough when your product is insoluble ?

Anyway, back to a better question: WHY CANT PEOPLE JUST DO IT THE RIGHT WAY ? Why is it that people who performed a synth think they are experts after 4-5 times ?
If you want to get rid / dilute as much as possible the acids then you need a bigger volume.

Again, think how your questions would apply to picric acid. How do you remove one acid without destroying the other ?

PS: Earlier this week a friend of mine sent me a picture while in the hospital. I'm considering adding it to the "Life after detonation thread" even though it's more "life after ignition". So am I angry ? Sure as shit I am.

Brightthermite - 6-10-2020 at 04:57

Well isn't the way recrystallization works is allowing the crystals to slowly form and they will exclude most impurities substances during formation? Why is it then the stand is to dump in water rapidly producing your product BEFORE any acid has been neutralized.

Fyndium - 6-10-2020 at 10:39

I guess it has to do with crystal size.

Break a crystal of inert material, nothing happens.

Break a crystal of an energetic substance. What could happen?

So, after preparation, crashing in water, washing with basic water and recrystallizing with a solvent and crashing out into (cold, basic?) water to induce fine crystal formation?

Btw, is it common practice to use vacuum filtering or only gravimetric filtering?

Herr Haber - 6-10-2020 at 10:50

If you wont listen (and you'd be right: I'm not a trained chemist) nor read the litterature (especially not that author who gets referenced in most EM books from other authors)

I hope you can you spend three minutes watching this video:

You will certainly agree with the saying "if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail"

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