Sciencemadness Discussion Board

Polystyrene Microspheres

bquirky - 23-11-2010 at 07:04

Gday Gents,

Did a pretty simple experiment today and figured id share.

I wanted to make some polystyrene Microspheres to use to help characterise some imaging equipment.

So I de-solved some polystyrene in acetone. I was surprised to find that only a small amount of the polystyrene is soluble in acetone despite hours of stirring the bulk of the 'disolved' styrene just sat at the bottom of the beaker as a floaty fluffy marshmellow type blob.

None the less I decanted the non marshmellow acetone off and added an equal amount of water producing a opaque milky suspension.

I then put a drop of this liquid onto a clean microscope slide evaporated it and had a look.
and this is what i saw.

microsphears.jpg - 56kB

Im not sure if these are usefull for much but they seem look similar to some old comercal microsphears I found

blogfast25 - 23-11-2010 at 10:40

It's consistent with a latex of polystyrene forming in the acetone/water liquid phase...