Sciencemadness Discussion Board

An surprisingly difficult experiment

The WiZard is In - 17-11-2010 at 17:02

Sir,— Recently, in the course of conversation, a remark
was made on the low temperature at which sulphur
ignites. My interlocutor fixed it as not far above the
melting-point of the substance ; I was incredulous,
and we appealed to the authorities. The result of our
joint investigation is as follows :—


(1) Gemlin 260oC
(2) Thomson, "System of Chemistry" 278o
(3) Pelouze et Fremy, "Cours de Chimie Général" 150o
(4) Dumas, Traité de Chimie" 107o
(5) "Watts" 250o
(6) Miller Between 235o and 260o
(7)" Tidy," Octahedral 115o and prismatic 120o

Bertram Blount 1890

Can you by experiment - determine the ignition temperature of
sulphur? Actually its approximate ignition temperature.

Byda two replied to Blount's letter with cleaver experiments
which if I cannot find online I'll scan latter.

Stumbled upon this "extraordinary statement" attributed to Henri Gautier—

" Une larme aux malheurs de Priestley, qui fut persécuté toute sa
vie. A Birmingham la populace pille et incendie sa maison puis
court bruler sa campagne et sa bibliotheque. Son crime estait de
vouloir feter dans un diner notre 14 juillet. Réfugié au fond de
l'Amirique du nord, il ne trouve pas le refuge meme aux sources
silencieuBes de l'Usquehannah et demande un asile aux piaux
rouges; enfin it meurt empoisonne' avec toute sa famille "
(Essai sur l'Hist. Chimie, Paris, 1837).

[Not OCR'd by id.]

chemrox - 17-11-2010 at 22:05

You might try searching out the heats of formation for sulfur allotropes. I think there was some exhaustive work done in the 1920's but I haven't tracked ir down.