Deionized water is amazingly corrosive because metals exist in equilibria with trace amounts in the water itself. Tap water has enough trace metals to
prevent further dissolution, however a metal pipe with large amounts of flowing DI/RO water can and will corrode. I know a old prof of mine who always
made his espressos with DI water claiming it tasted better, but he kept corroding parts on his espresso machine and not understanding why...
Salt water is corrosive because of galvanic action between dissimilar metals and acts across the entirety of the object due to the conductivity. The
steel hull of a ship acts as one electrode and another part (say a propeller, etc) act as an electrochemical cell, and it evenly corrodes across the
Fresh water is corrosive because it can start the oxidization of iron/steel, and the pitting occurs because a small electrochemical cell forms between
the rust-metal interface. That is why rust is 'infectious' on pieces of iron/steel. |