maldi-tof - 4-4-2019 at 15:05
I've been reading this site lately, and I found it so cool that I could not resist registering.
My job... We make fine chemicals and commodities. Lots of them. I mean, all the stuff you make here in small amounts, we use 5000 Liters reactors (and
other equipments obviously) to synthesise them.
Happy tu be here!
j_sum1 - 4-4-2019 at 15:19
Hi. Welcome. I noticed your couple of thread comments.
What kind of chemicals? Where are you located?
maldi-tof - 4-4-2019 at 15:35
Mostly, inorganic salts. All kind of sulphates (sodium, potassium, iron, zinc, copper..), chlorides, nitrates, EDTA salts, double salts (AlK(SO4)2
Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2-6Hidrate, phosphates...Almost all of them with different hydrated forms. We make quite a few different products...
Answering the second question, we are located in Spain.